Unlikely Companionship Unveiled: Heartwarming Bond Between Kitten and Owlet Blossoms (VIDEO).

You can find the adorable Fuku the owlet and Marimo the kitten in Hukulou coffee shop in Osaka, Japan.

It is truly ?α?e to see a cat and an owl being friends, as most of us are used to hearing stories about cats bringing home ɗeαɗ birds, an luckily, this isn’t the case here.

Fuku truly enjoys accompanying Marimo a lot!

The Hukulou is actually an owl cafe. This kind of coffee shop is actually very popular in Japan.

The cafe occasionally gets other owl visitors, and in addition, they sell kawaii owl-themed crafts and goods.

These two really love napping together.


… and kissing as well.



They are regular snuggle buddies.

Looks like somebody just got groomed!