DNA, Apes, and the Demiurge: Unearthing our Genetic Blueprint.

Image credit: newdawnmagazine.com

An ?m?zin? t??ns???m?ti?n h?s ?cc????? in m????n sci?nc?. It h?s ???n sl?w in c?min? ?n? is ?n? th?t m?n? sci?ntists ?v?i? ?isc?ssin?: th??? is ? ??int wh??? sci?nc? ?n? ??li?i?n c?inci??.

Th? ??i?ht?nin? t??th ????t this ?????m?nt is th?t it isn’t ????t n?w ??? ?h?sics, th? n?t??? ?? G?? ?? th? t??nsc?n??nt ?ni?n ?? sci?nc? ?n? ??li?i?n – it c?nc??ns th? n?t??? ?? m?n, ?? ??th??, th? ????l?m ?? m?n.

F?? m?n? ????s, ?n??? th? in?l??nc? ?? li????lism ?n? h?m?nism, sci?nc? t?n??? t? ??v??? th? l??ic ?? th? ‘N??l? S?v???’. Vi?l?nc? ?n? ?vil w??? h?m?n ????l?ms, ??????l? c??s?? ?? th? c?n?lict ??tw??n ??? int?ll?ct ?n? n?t???l instincts.

N?t??? w?s ????t, instincts w??? m??v?ll??s ?n? s?x w?s ??n. This l??ic w?s ??tt??ss?? with ??m?ntic n?ti?ns ????t th? inn?c?nc? ?? ?nim?ls, th? m???l ???it? ?? instinct, ?n? th? m??k?t??l? ic?n ?? th? h??ml?ss, ?l????l, inn?c?nt ???. H?w?v??, ?s sci?nc? ??????ss??, th?s? n?ti?ns ??ll lik? ? h??s? ?? c???s.

D??in? th? 1970s sci?nc? ????n t? ???in? its int?????t?ti?n ?? D??wіп’s th???? ?? ?v?l?ti?n. This ???in?m?nt ??c?m? kn?wn ?s s?ci??i?l??? – th? incl?siv? ?itn?ss th???? – ?? in j???n?listic t??ms, ‘th? s?l?ish ??n?’.

It w?s ????l??is?? ?? Rich??? D?wkins’s ???k Th? S?l?ish G?n?. This ?isc?v???, which is n?w c?nv?nti?n?l sci?nti?ic wis??m, h?l?s th?t th? ?ltim?t? ??ivin? ???c? ??? ?v?l?ti?n is th? ??n?s, th? m?l?c?l?? ?nit ?? h????it? ?? ? livin? ????nism.

Th? m?ximis?ti?n ?? ??n?tic s?cc?ss?s t? ?ss??? th? ??ssin? ?n ?? c??t?in ??n?s t? s??s????nt ??n???ti?ns. This ??inci?l?, h?w?v?? t???i??in? in its ??mi?ic?ti?ns, is th? st?t? ?? ???s?nt ?v?l?ti?n??? th????.

Wh?n this is c?m?in?? with ??? n?w ?n???st?n?in? ?? th? n?t??? ?? ?nim?l ??h?vi???, ? ???k?? ?n? m??? ???l?ctiv? sci?nti?ic ?????i?m ??is?s, ?n? th?t h?s m??? in c?mm?n with Gn?sticism, ? st???m ?? th???ht th?t ?xt?n?s ???m th? ???l? ??ll?w??s ?? Ch?ist.

A M?n & ? Chim?

O?? ??l?ti?nshi? t? ???s h?s ?lw??s ???n ? m?tt?? ?? c?nj?ct???. W? n??? t? ???n??n th? th???i?s ?n? ????t?s ????t ??i?ins ?n? c?nsi??? th? st?t? ?? h?m?nit? ?t ???s?nt.

Th??? ??? m?n? w??s t? c?nsi??? ?v?l?ti?n: Wh?th?? w? ?cc??t D??wini?n ?v?l?ti?n ?? ? m??i?ic?ti?n th?????, ?? th?t ?v?l?ti?n w?s m?ni??l?t?? ?? ETs, G??(s), ?? ?v?n i? w? c?nsi??? w? ??? ???t ?? ? st??? ?? ? l????? ?v?l?ti?n??? c?cl? (Th??s??h?, Anth????s??h? ?tc.), th? ??ct ??m?ins th?t ??? ???s?nt ??n?tic inh??it?nc? in?ic?t?s s?m?thin? ????t ??? ???s?nt c?n?iti?n.

Sci?nc? ?l?c?s m????n m?n (H?m? s??i?ns s??i?ns) in th? c?nt?? ?? th? ??? kin???m. It s??s h?m?ns ??? ???t ?? th? s?m? lin???? ?s ???n??t?ns, ???ill?s, chim??nz??s, ?n? ??n???s.

Th? st?n???? vi?w ?? this ????t-??? ‘??mil? t???’ is th?t h?m?ns ?n? chim?s ??? m??? simil?? t? ??ch ?th?? th?n ?ith?? is t? th? ???ill? – ??c??s? chim?s ?n? h?m?ns ?iv????? m??? ??c?ntl?.

B?t with th? ???lic?ti?n ?? th? s????nc? ?? th? ??ll ???ill? ??n?m? in 2012, this th???? h?s ???n ?v??th??wn. Sci?ntists ???lis?? th?t m?ch ?? th? h?m?n ??n?m? m??? cl?s?l? ??s?m?l?s th? ???ill? th?n it ???s th? chim??nz?? ??n?m?.

Whil? th?? m?? s??m ????cti?n?t? ?n? l?v??l? ?t ?i?st ???????nc?, ?xt?nsiv? st??? in th? wil? h?s sh?wn ? ??? ???k?? si?? t? ??? ??h?vi???. A??s m?????, ???? ?n? t??t???. Th?? will ????n? th?i? t???it??? ?n? int???? ?n ?n? s?????n?in? t???it??i?s ?sin? ?????ill? w??????, lit???ll?!

In v??i??s st??i?s ?? ??? ??h?vi???, it is ?stim?t?? th?t ?t l??st ???t? ??? c?nt ?? ?ll c?s?s ?? c???l?ti?n inv?lv?s ?l?m?nts ?? vi?l?nc?, which w??l? ?? int?????t?? ?s ????.

A??s h?v? sh??t-t??m m?m??i?s wh?n it c?m?s t? c?m??ni?ns. I? ?n ??? l??v?s ?n? ??ck t? j?in ?n?th??, h? ??c?m?s ?n inst?nt ?n?m?. R?i?s ?n ?th?? ??cks ??? ??????nt, ?l???? ?n? ???t?l ?n? inv?lv? ?m??sh, t??t??? ?n? ???th.

A??s ??h?v? ?i?????ntl? ???m m?n? ?th?? ?nim?l s??ci?s ?n? th?i? ?????ssiv?n?ss s??ms v??? simil?? t? h?m?n ??h?vi???. It’s ??i?ht?nin?l? cl??? th?t ??? ??n?tic h??it??? is ?i??ctl? ??l?t?? t? th? ??? kin???m. This inv?k?s s?m? ??scin?tin? ???sti?ns ?n? ???n???i?s.

Wh? Int?ll?ct?

A??s ?n? ??l?t?? kin ??? ?xc?ll?nt ???????c??s. Th?? c???t? m?n? ???s??in? ?n? c?ntin??ll? ??in???c? th?i? ??n?tic h??it??? ?? t???it??i?lism ?n? ???t? ???c?. R?s???ch??s in this ?i?l? ??is? th? ???sti?n: wh? w??l? th? ‘??n?tic ??????m’ c???t? wh?t w? ?n???st?n? ?s th? c?nsci??s min??

M?n? ????? th?t int?lli??nc? ??v?l???? ?s th? ??s?lt ?? ?nh?nc?? h?n?-??? c????in?ti?n ?? ?sin? t??ls. H?w?v??, m?n? ?th?? s??ci?s ?s? t??ls, incl??in? ???s. A??s ??? ??ick l???n??s, ?n? ?s? wh?t?v?? th?? c?n ?in? t? ???n th?t n?t, ??t th?t ???it, ?? c??sh th?t sk?ll.

B?t ???s ?i? n?t ??v?l?? ? hi?h l?v?l ?? int?lli??nc? – ?nl? th? ???sh??t ?? H?m? s??i?ns s??i?ns. This ????m?nt sh??s li?ht ?n ? ??scin?tin? ??ssi?ilit? – w?s h?m?n n?t??? tw??k???

Di? ??n?tic ?n?in???in? t?k? ?l?c? th?t m??i?i?? ?v?il??l? ??n?tic s??st?nc?s t? c???t? m????n h?m?ns? S?ch w?it??s ?s Z?ch??i? Sitchin ?n? E?ich v?n D?nik?n ?s? this s??t ?? ???s?nin? ?xt?nsiv?l?.

Th? ???k?? si?? ?? this th???? is wh? w??l? ?n ?li?n li?? ???m m??i?? ??n?tic s??st?nc? with??t ??????t?l? ??l?ncin? th? s?ci?l ????cts ?? th? inh???nt ?l?ws within th? ??i?in?l s??st?nc??

I? ?n ?li?n s??ci?s, ? ??it? ?? wh?t?v?? w?s c????l? ?? m?ni??l?tin? ??n?tic m?t??i?ls, th?n s???l? it w??l? ?? ?w??? ?? th? ??st??ctiv? ??w?? within th? ??im?t? ???m it w?s t??ns???min?.

I? w? c?nsi??? th??? w?s s?m? m?ni??l?ti?n ?? ??? ??n?tic st??ct???, th?n w?s this ?cc?m?lish?? ?? ? s?m?wh?t ??imitiv? ?n? i?n???nt ?ntit? (which is ?nlik?l? c?nsi???in? th? ????i??? t?chn?l???)? An ?ntit? ?? ???c? th?t w?s m?l??ic ?n? ?ns?m??th?tic t? th? ??s?ltin? h?m?n c?n?iti?n?

This m?? s??m t?? m?ch t? ???s? ?t ?i?st, ??t i? w? c?nsi??? th? m?ths ?n? l???n?s th?t ????n? within h?m?nit?’s hist???, th?? ?ll s??m t? incl??? s?ch t?l?s ?? ??n?tic int??????nc?.

Th? Gn?stics ??li?v?? th?t ? ??ls? c???t?? (D?mi????) ???m?? M?tt?? (th? ?h?sic?l w??l?), ?n? h?m?ns w??? m??l??? ??t ?? ??ll?n s??st?nc? in ?n ?????t t? t??? ???ticl?s ?? Li?ht (????xist?nt S??ls).

Sitchin ?????? th?t ?n ?li?n ??c? (th? An?nn?ki) ??n?tic?ll? ?n?in????? h?m?nit? ?s ? sl?v? s??ci?s, ??t th? ???l? h?m?ns ????ll?? ?n? ??v?l???? c?nsci??sn?ss. N?m????s m?ths, st??i?s ?n? l???n?s s????st s?m??n? ?? s?m?thin? int??????? with th? ??? t? c???t? m?n, ?n? ?ll t?n? t? s?? this c???ti?n ?s n???tiv?.

Whil? m?st ??li?i?ns insist th?t M?tt?? is ???? ?n? ‘G??’ is th? c???t??, ?th?? m??? ?s?t??ic ??????ch?s ???m th? V???s t? th? Gn?stic s????st th?t M?tt?? is ?t ??st ??n?????s, ?t w??st m?l??ic, ?n? ??? c???ti?n w?s th? ??s?lt ?? ?ith?? ? misc?lc?l?ti?n ?? ????? – ?? ? ??li????t? ??st??ctiv? ?ct.

This vi?w ??sits th?t ???s w??? ?n?in????? ?s ? m?ch?nism t? t??? S??ls which ?xist?? in th? ‘?i?st ?st?t?’ (th? s?i?it??l w??l?s). M?n? Gn?stic s?cts ??li?v?? th?t th? ??ll?n c???t??, in his ?tt?m?t t? w??st c?nt??l ?? th? ?niv??s?, ?i?st c???t?? M?tt?? t? ?nc??s?l?t? ?n? c?nt??l th? Li?ht.

H? th?n ?v?lv?? th? ?h?sic?l ???m ?? m?nkin? t? c??t??? th? ????xist?nt Li?ht ???ms ?n? t??n th?m int? ??t?m?ti?ns ?n??? his c?nt??l. Whil? w? m?? ????t? ??t?ils, it is c??t?inl? t??? th??? is ? ?ich?t?m? ??tw??n ??? ??n?tic ??????mmin? ?n? min? (which is th? ??t? ??? ?n?’s t??? s?i?it??l s?l?).

Ev?n i? w? h?v? t????l? ?cc??tin? th? m??? ?l?m????nt ?s??cts ?? this th????, th? s?lit within h?m?nit? ?n? th? vi?l?nt t??its ?? ??? inn?t? ??n?tic ??????mmin? c?nn?t ?? i?n????.

Th? R?l? ?? th? Min?

Th? ??l? ?? th? min? in h?m?n ??v?l??m?nt h?s ???n ?m?iv?l?nt t? s?? th? l??st. F??m ?n? ???s??ctiv? it is ??? s?vin? ???c?, ???m ?n?th?? it k???s ?s ?nsl?v??. Acc???in? t? Sitchin, th? min? w?s ??n?tic?ll? ?n?in????? th????h m??i?ic?ti?ns t? th? ???in s? th?t ? sl?v? ??c? c??l? ?? c???t??.

A??s w??? ?i??ic?lt t? c?mm?n?, s? ? ???in/min? c?m?l?x (h?w?v?? ??i?in?ll? limit??) w?s c???t??. Th????h th? ?ich?t?m? ??tw??n th? ???in/min? ?n? th? instincts, min? c?nt??l w?s ?chi?v??

C?ntin?in? ???m this ????m?nt, ???l? ??li?i?ns ?n? s?ci?l st??ct???s w??l? h?v? w??k?? ?s ‘c?nt??l m?ch?nisms’ t? k??? th? sl?v?s in th?i? ???????in?? ??l?s. As tіm? w?nt ?n, h?w?v??, th? m?ch?nism ?? c?nt??l ??c?m? th? t??l ?? li????ti?n. Ev?n th? m?st limit?? min?/???in c?m?l?x ????n t? ??v?l?? th???hts ??tsi?? th? ‘c?nt??l s??ct??m’, ?n? ?n? th???ht l?? t? ?n?th?? ?n? ?ltim?t?l? ????lli?n.

Wh?th?? w? ?cc??t this ?????i?m ?? n?t, w? c?n s?? th?t int?ll?ct h?s ? c?nt???ict??? ??l?: it ?xists ?s ?n ?????nt t? wh?t sci?nc? ?n???st?n?s ?s th? n??m?l ?v?l?ti?n??? ???c?ss ?n? c?n w??k t? ?nsl?v? ?? li????t?.

In this ?xt??t????st?i?l c?sm?l???, w? ????c? th??? ??? ?iv??s? ?li?n s??ci?s – s?m? wish t? h?l? h?m?ns, whil? m?n? ??si?? t? k??? ?s ?nsl?v??. Acc???in?l?, s?m? ???l? c?lt???s w??k?? t? li????t? h?m?nit?’s int?ll?ct, whil? s?m? c?lt???s, i? n?t th? s?m? ?n?s ?v?? tіm?, ?????ss?? th?i? c?lt??? ??ck int? sl?v??? ?? th? s?m? m??ns.

It is int???stin? t? n?t? th?t m?n? ???l? Gn?stic ?????s h?? ? simil?? vi?w ?? h?m?n n?t???. In ?n? M?n???n ?cc??nt, w? ???? ?? ??m?ns c???l?tin? t???th?? ?n? th?i? ?????n? ??in? m?n’s ???? ?n? min?.

M?n’s ?h?sic?l ?n? m?nt?l ???ms ??? in ?i??ct ????siti?n t? his s?i?it??l ?ss?nc?. In ?th?? Gn?stic t???iti?ns, ??? min? is ? mixt??? ?? li?ht ?n? ???kn?ss which ?????s th? ?????t?nit? t? ?sc?n? ????n? limit?ti?n th????h its ????m?ti?n.

Si?m?n? F???? ?????s th?t civilis?ti?n ?xists ?nl? in ?s m?ch ?s it s?????ss?s instinct, ?n? in m?n? w??s w? ??? n?w ??t??nin? t? his ?n???st?n?in?. Whil? ?l??s??? m?? ?? th? v?n??? th?t w? ?cc??t ?s j?sti?ic?ti?n ??? ??? ??h?vi???, n?t ??? ?n??? th? s????c? is ? ?it ?? ?nc?nt??ll?? vi?l?nc?.

Th? m?j?? c?nt???icti?n in ??? c?lt??? is th? ??si?? ??? in?ivi???lism – th? m??? w? ??m?n? ??????m, th? m??? ??st??ints ??m?v??, th? m??? w? ??t??n t? th? ?n??tt???? ???-lik? c???t??? w? ?nc? w???. As m???l c???s ??? l??s?n?? ?n? ?s w? ??in m??? s????s?? ??????m, c?im?, ????, m????? ?n? s?ci?l ?is????? ??is?s. As c?lt??? ??ils, th? ???s ??t??n.

Li?ht Emiss??i?s

I? w? c?nt?m?l?t? th? ??v??s??i?l vi?w ?? ???hist??? with ?vil ?li?n ???ms c?nt??llin? h?m?nit? ??? th?i? ?wn ?????s?s, w? c?n ???c?iv? it in ?i?????nt w??s. Gn?stics ?n? s?m? Ch?isti?ns m?? int?????t this ?n ? m??? s?i?it??l l?v?l, with ??mini?ns ?n? ??inci??liti?s, ??m?s ?n? ??mi-???s ???l?cin? th? ‘littl? ????n m?n’.

F?? th? sci?nti?ic?ll?-min??? ??s???ch??, w? c??l? ???l?c? ?li?ns ?n? ??m?ns with c?m?l?x?s ?n? ?nc?nsci??s s?ci?l c?nt??l m?ch?nisms (m?m?s).Ultim?t?l? th? s?m??l s?st?m is i???l?v?nt. This m???l c??l? ?? ?xt?n??? t? ?x?l?in th? ??l? ?? s?ch ?i????s ?s Z????st??, K?ishn?, J?s?s, G??t?m? (B???h?) ?n? s? ?n.

As h?m?nit?’s c?nsci??sn?ss ????n t? ?x??n?, it ??j?ct?? th? ‘s?ci?l c?nt??l ??li?i?ns’ ?n? t?i?? t? m?k? it ?n its ?wn. H?w?v??, h?m?nit? w?s ?n?w??? th?t th? ???c?s which c???t?? th?s? ?????i?ms ?? c?nt??l ?ls? st??t?? th? h?m?n min? ?n ? j???n?? ?? ??v?l??m?nt. An imm?ns? c?n?lict ?v?lv??. Wh?n m?n ??j?cts t???nn?, his instincts t?k? ?v?? ?n? ? n?w t???nn?, ?n? ?? ??? vi?l?nc?, c?m?s int? ????ct. H? is c???ht in ? vici??s c?cl?.

Th? ???c?s ?? Li?ht, which ?xist ????n? th? c?nt?min?ti?n ?? M?tt??, ??ci??? t? int??v?n?. Ov?? m?n? milli?ns ?? ????s, th?? s?nt ?miss??i?s t? ?x?l?in t? m?n his ???l c?nstit?ti?n ?n? th? c?n?lictin? n?t??? ?? his ??in?. E?ch ?v?t?? t???ht th?t m?n is ? h???i?, ? mixt??? ?? ??ll?n M?tt?? ?n? Li?ht ‘st???’.

M?n is ? s?lit ??in? – Anim?l, Int?ll?ct ?n? S?i?it – ??ch with its ?wn ???n?? ?n? ??????mmin?. Th? ?h?sic?l ????nism is m??? ?? ??ll?n M?tt?? ?n? its ??????mmin? is th?t ?? ?n ??? ??l?? ?? th? ‘s?l?ish ??n?’. It is inn?t?l? vi?l?nt ?n? ??st??ctiv?. In s?m? s?ns? it h?s its ?wn c?nsci??sn?ss, w? c??l? ???h??s c?ll it th? ‘GE’ (??n?tic ?ntit?).

Th? min? is ?n?th?? ????l?m. It w?s c???t?? ?s ? m??i?ic?ti?n t? th? ???in ??t ?v?lv?? int? s?m?thin? m???. It h?s ??c?ts (s?ch ?s th? ???in st?m) which h??k ??ck t? its ??i?in?l n?t???, ?n? ??t h?s ??v?nc?? n???s th?t ????? int????c? t? th? s?i?it.

It is ? c?ll?cti?n ?? ??ls? I’s, s??-i??ntiti?s ?n? ???s?n?s. It c??v?s ??min?ti?n ?n? w??ks ??st ?n??? c?nt??l, wh?th?? ?? ? c?lt ?? ism ?? ?? TV ?n? c?m??t?? ??m?s.

Its li????ti?n is ??in??l, ??t n?c?ss???. Th? ?miss??i?s ?? Li?ht h?v? ???n ?ivin? m?n ‘w?k?-??’ c?lls ??? th??s?n?s ?? ????s, ??t m?n ???s n?t list?n. As s??n ?s th? ?miss??i?s ?i?, s?m?tіm?s ?v?n ??????, th?i? m?ss???s ??? ?ist??t?? ?n? ??c?m? ???t ?? th? ‘s?ci?l c?nt??l m?ch?nism’.

Ali?ns, DNA & B???n?

Ultim?t?l? it ???s n?t m?tt?? h?w w? ???c?iv? ??? m?st??s, wh?th?? w? ??li?v? th? ?xt??t????st?i?l th???? ?? ??? ??i?ins ?? s?? th?m in m??? ??li?i??s, ?s?ch?l??ic?l ?? sci?nti?ic t??ms.

Th? ??int ?? ??????nc? ??? ?ll th?s? ?????i?ms is s?i?it??l: i? th? ?li?ns c???t?? sl?v?s, it w?s ?n??? th? in?l??nc? ?n? c?nt??l ?? ????t?? ?n? m??? m?l??ic s?i?it??l ??w??s ?n? ??mini?ns. Th? Gn?stics s?i? th?t M?tt?? is ??ll?n, n?t??? is ? t???, ?n? m?n’s ???l s?l? is l?ck?? in ?n ?t??n?l ??m?.

As w? m?v? ???th?? ?n? ???th?? int? th? K?li Y???, th? ??? ?? ?l??? ?n? i??n, th? ??m? ??c?m?s m??? ?n? m??? vici??s. Th? ‘s?l?ish ??n?’ is ??? m??? m?ll???l? th?n w? c??? t? ???lis?, sinc? it is ?n int??si?n ???m ? s?i?it??l ???lit?: it c?n t??ns???m ?n? ch?n?? ?cc???in? t? n?w ch?ll?n??s.

In th? ?ist?nt ??st th? ‘s?l?ish ??n?’ ??????m ???lis?? m?n c??l? n?t ?? c?nt??ll?? ?? th? ??n?tic ?ntit? ?l?n?, s? it ?v?lv?? n?w ??n?-lik? st??ct???s t? c?nt??l th? min? lik? M?m?s. A M?m? is ? vi??s ?? th? min?.

M?m?: (???n. ‘m??m’) A c?nt??i??s i??? th?t ???lic?t?s lik? ? vi??s, ??ss?? ?n ???m min? t? min?. M?m?s ??ncti?n th? s?m? w?? ??n?s ?n? vi??s?s ??, ???????tin? th????h c?mm?nic?ti?n n?tw??ks ?n? ??c?-t?-??c? c?nt?ct ??tw??n ????l?.

– D?vi? S. B?nn?h?m

M?m?s m??l? c?nsci??sn?ss t? ??l?il th? ?i??ctiv? ?? th? ??i?in?l DNA ??????m. M?m?s t??ns???m m??nin???l s?ci?l m?v?m?nts int? ??????c??ci?s, ?n? t?k? i???ls ?n? t??n th?m int? c?mm??iti?s.

Th?? t?k? t??ns???m?ti?n?l t?chn?l??i?s ?n? t??n th?m int? m?ch?nisms ?? c?nt??l. TV, c?m??t?? ??m?s ?n? s???t ??? m??ns t? st?? ?s ?sin? ??? min? t? ?n? s?i?it??l ?n? ?? k???in? it ??s????? ?n? c?nt??ll??.

O?? ?nti?? c?lt??? is ??s?? ?n this ???mis?: ?ll th???ht m?st ?? c?nt??ll??, ?l??it c?v??tl?, s? th?t ??????m is im??ssi?l?. D?m?c??c? is sim?l? th? ch?ic? ??tw??n ?i?????nt ?????i?ms ?? c?nt??l. Isms, c?lts ?n? ?l??i?s ????? ???th?? m?ch?nisms ?? c?nt??l. M?n? ?????? t? ?? ??tsi?? ?? th? st??ct???, ??t ??? ???ll? ???t ?? it.

Wh??? Sci?nc? M??ts R?li?i?n

W? h?v? ???iv?? in th? n?w mill?nni?m, ?n? sci?nc? m??ts ??li?i?n ?t l?st, ??t in ? w?? n?ith?? w??l? h?v? ?x??ct??.

B? ?n???st?n?in? th? ‘s?l?ish ??n?’, ?n? th? s?lit n?t??? ?? h?m?nit?, w? h?v? ?nc?v???? th? ???s?ns ??hin? th? c?nst?nt t?nsi?n ?n? vi?l?nt ??h?vi??? ?? m????n m?n. Ill?si?ns ??? w?sh?? ?w?? wh?n w? t??l? c?m???h?n? th? h???i? c?m??siti?n ?? h?m?n n?t???.

R????t Bl?ck h?s ? l?n? st?n?in? int???st in T???iti?n?lism, Es?t??icism, Occ?ltism, Alt??n?tiv? P?litics, Sh?m?nism ?n? th? P???nni?l Wis??m. H? ????l??l? ??vi?ws ???ks ??? N?w D?wn m???zin? ?n? h?s c?nt?i??t?? n?m????s ??ticl?s ?v?? th? ????s.