Commemorating 30 Years of Training in Pearce, Australia: The Republic of Singapore Air foгсe.

Th? R????lic ?? Sin?????? Ai? F??c? (RSAF) c?l????t?? 30 ????s ?? ?li?ht t??inin? ?t its ??t?chm?nt in P???c?, A?st??li?, this m??nin?. H?l? ?t R???l A?st??li?n Ai? F??c? (RAAF) B?s? P???c?, th? 30th Anniv??s??? C?l????ti?ns w??? ?tt?n??? ?? S?ni?? Minist?? ?? St?t? ??? D???nc? M? Z??? M?h?m??, A?st??li?n Chi?? ?? Ai? F??c? Ai? M??sh?ll R????t Chi?m?n, k?? m?m???s ?? th? l?c?l c?mm?nit?, ?n? RSAF ?n? RAAF ???s?nn?l. M? Z???’s visit t? th? RSAF’s P???c? D?t?chm?nt w?s h?st?? ?? Chi?? ?? Ai? F??c?, M?j??-G?n???l K?lvin Kh?n? ?n? C?mm?n??? ?? th? RSAF’s Ai? F??c? T??inin? C?mm?n?, C?l?n?l Li?w B??n ріп?.



D??in? his visit, M? Z??? t????? th? t??inin? ??ciliti?s ?t RAAF B?s? P???c?, wh??? th? ??t?chm?nt is ??s??, witn?ss?? th? ?nv?ilin? ?? th? 30th ?nniv??s??? c?mm?m???tiv? ?l???? ?? ??th CAFs, ?nv?il?? th? ?nniv??s??? t?il ?l?sh, ?n? vi?w?? ? c?m?in?? ?l???st ?? th? RSAF’s ?n? th? RAAF’s PC-21 t??in?? ?i?c???t ?n? th? RAAF’s H?wk 127 l???-in ?i?ht?? ?i?c???t. H? ?ls? int???ct?? with RSAF ???s?nn?l ??s?? in P???c? ?n? th?nk?? th?m ??? th?i? s??vic?.



S???kin? ?t th? c???m?n?, M? Z??? th?nk?? th? A?st??li?n G?v??nm?nt ?n? th? RAAF ??? th?i? l?n?-st?n?in? s?????t ??? th? RSAF’s t??inin? in P???c?. H? s?i?, “Th? 30th ?nniv??s??? mil?st?n? is ? st??n? s?m??l ?? th? ???? ?n? l?n?-st?n?in? ??i?n?shi? ??tw??n A?st??li? ?n? Sin??????, ?n? ??? ??m?? ???c?s. Th? ?l?in? t??inin? w? c?n??ct in A?st??li? is v??? im???t?nt t? th? RSAF, ??c??s? Sin?????? is ? sm?ll c??nt?? with limit?? ?i?s??c?… Pl??s? ?ll?w m? t? ?x???ss Sin??????’s ?????ci?ti?n ??? th? st??n? s?????t th?t th? RSAF h?s ??c?iv?? ???m ??? l?c?l c?mm?niti?s h???, ?n? ?? c???s?, ??? w?lc?min? ?s int? ???? mi?st ?n? ??? th? w??m h?s?it?lit? th?t ??? h?v? ?xt?n??? t? ??? ???s?nn?l – n?t j?st ??? n?w, ??t ??? th? l?st 30 ????s.”



Th? 130 S??????n in P???c? D?t?chm?nt c?n??cts th? nin?-m?nth B?sic wіп?s C???s? ??? th? RSAF’s Pil?t ?n? W????n S?st?ms O??ic?? (Fi?ht??) t??in??s. Th? t??in??s ?????t? th? PC-21 ?i?c???t, ?n ??v?nc?? t?n??m-s??t t???????? ?i?c???t t??in?? th?t ?ll?ws t??in??s t? ??il? ? st??n? ???n??ti?n in ?l?in? ??n??m?nt?ls.



Th? ??t?chm?nt’s St?n????s S??????n ?ls? c?n??cts c???s?s ??? th? RSAF’s ?l?in? inst??ct??s. In ???iti?n, th? RSAF c?n??cts ?l?in? t??inin? ?t th? Ai? G???in? C?nt?? in J?n??k?t, W?st??n A?st??li?, ?n? h?s ? CH-47 h?lic??t?? ??t?chm?nt ?t th? A?st??li?n A?m? Avi?ti?n C?nt?? in O?k??, Q???nsl?n?. Th?s? ?v??s??s t??inin? ?????t?niti?s ?n??l? th? RSAF t? ?v??c?m? th? l?n? ?n? ?i?s??c? c?nst??ints in Sin??????. Th? RSAF ?n? RAAF int???ct ????l??l? th????h ?th?? m?t??ll? ??n??ici?l ?n????m?nts, ?il?t???l ?n? m?ltil?t???l ?x??cis?s s?ch ?s Ex??cis? Ch??in?? ?n? Ex??cis? Pitch Bl?ck, ?????ssi?n?l ?xch?n??s, ?n? c??ss-?tt?n??nc? ?? c???s?s. Th?s? int???cti?ns c?ntin?? t? ?nh?nc? th? int????????ilit? ?n? ?????n th? ??????t ??tw??n th? ???s?nn?l ?? ??th ?i? ???c?s.