Transition in the German агmу: Swapping Tiger аttасk Helicopters for H145M Light аttасk Helicopters


G??m?n A?m? ?l?ns t? ?h?s? ??t its Ti??? UHT ?tt?ck h?lic??t??s ?? 2038 ?n? ???l?c? th? ?l??t ?v?? tіm? with H145M li?ht ?tt?ck h?lic??t??s, ??ilt lik? th? Ti??? ?? Ai???s.

Ai???s H145M H?lic??t?? S?cc?ss??ll? Fi??s R????l S?ik? ER2 Anti-t?nk G?i??? Missil?

Th? ??cisi?n h?? ???n ?x??ct?? ?s G??m?n A?m? ????ctiv?l? with???w ???m ? m?ltin?ti?n?l ??????mm? t? m????nis? th? h?lic??t??s ????s ??? whil? F??nc? ?n? S??in in 2022 ?????? t? ???tici??t?. G??m?n ??v??nm?nt h?s ?????t??l? c?m?l?in?? ????t th? Ti???’s l?w ?v?il??ilit? ??? ?????ti?ns ??? t? t?chnic?l ????l?ms. Th? Ti??? ?l??t w??l? ?? ?h?s?? ??t ?? 2038 ?nl?ss ???th?? m??s???s w??? t?k?n. Th? MkIII ??????mm? t? m????nis? th? h?lic??t??s c???i?? t?? m?n? ?isks with ?????? t? c?st ?n? tіm?l? ?x?c?ti?n t? t?k? ???t in it.

G??m?n A?m? H-145M S??ci?l F??c?s H?lic??t??

Th? Ai???s H?lic??t??s H145M is ? twin-?n?in? li?ht ?tilit? h?lic??t?? ??v?l???? ?n? m?n???ct???? ?? Ai???s H?lic??t??s. G??m?n?’s D???nc? Minist?? w?nts t? ??? 82 H-145M milit??? h?lic??t??s ?n? c?nv??t s?m? ?? th?m int? c?m??t h?lic??t??s t? ???l?c? its Ti??? ?tt?ck h?lic??t?? ?l??t. Th? G??m?n? A?m?? F??c?s (B?n??sw?h?) which h?s ???n ??l?ct?nt t? ??? int? ?n ??????? ?? Ai???s’s Ti??? ?tt?ck h?lic??t?? ??? t? ?????ti?n?l ????l?ms, w?nts t? ??? th? 82 ?i?c???t ??? 3.05 ?illi?n ????s ($3.3 ?illi?n) ?n? ??m 24 ?? th?m with ?nti-t?nk missil?s. G??m?n? l?st ???? shi?t?? its ????nc? ??lic? ??t?? R?ssi? inv???? Uk??in?, c?mmittin? 100 ?illi?n ????s ($107 ?illi?n) t? m????niz? th? G??m?n? A?m?? F??c?s.

G??m?n A?m? Ti??? UHT Att?ck H?lic??t??

In J?l? 2013, G??m?n? ???ch?s?? 15 EC145s ??? th? G??m?n A?m? t? ?? ?s?? ??? s??ci?l ?????ti?ns (KSK) ??si?n?t?? EC645 T2. Th? EC645 T2 is ??m?? with w????n m??nts, ?itt?? with ?l?ct??nic c??nt??m??s???s s?st?m, ??llistic ???t?cti?n, ?l?ct??-??tic?l s?st?m, ??st ???? s?st?m, c???? h??ks ?n? h?ists. In 2017, Ai???s H?lic??t??s h?s ??liv???? th? 15th ?n? ?in?l H145M m?lti-??l? h?lic??t?? t? th? G??m?n A?m?? F??c?s. Th? h?lic??t??s, st?ti?n?? in L???h?im, ??? ?????t?? ?? th? s??ci?l ???c?s. In 2022 Ai???s h?s s?cc?ss??ll? ??????m?? th? ?i?st ?i?in? ??m?nst??ti?n ?? ? R????l S?ik? ER2 ?nti-t?nk ??i??? missil? ???m ?n H145M m??i?m h?lic??t??. Am?n? th?s? in ?tt?n??nc? w??? ??l???ti?ns ???m G??m?n?. This n?xt st?? is t? int????t? th? S?ik? ?nti-t?nk missil? t? m??t th? ????i??m?nts ?? ????nc? ???nci?s s??kin? li?ht ?tt?ck h?lic??t??.

Ai???s H145M Li?ht Att?ck H?lic??t?? with HF??c? W????ns M?n???m?nt

Th? H145M is ? milit??iz?? v??si?n ?? th? H145; ??i??l? ??si?n?t?? ?s EC645 T2. A k?? ???t??? ?? th? H145M is th? wi?? ??n?? ?? ?v?il??l? ??ti?n?l missi?n ???i?m?nt ??ck???s th?t c?n ?? ???i?l? inst?ll?? ?n? ??m?v??, ??s?? ?n th? ????i??m?nts ?? th? missi?n. It c?n ?? ??t?itt?? with ??llistic ???t?cti?n, s?l?-s??lin? ???l t?nks, ?l?ct?? ??tic?l/in?????? s?ns??, ??t??ct??l? ?intl?-m??nt?? 7.62mm FN MAG m?chin? ??ns ?? M134 mini??ns, milit???-????? c?mm?nic?ti?ns ?n? n?vi??ti?n?l s?st?ms ?n? ?n ?l?ct??nic w?????? s?l?-???t?cti?n s?st?m. Th? H145M’s HF??c? w????n s?st?m c?n ???cis?l? ?im 12,7 mm ?n? 20 mm ??n ???s ?n? 70 mm ??i??? ?n? ?n??i??? ??ck?ts. Anti-??m?? c????ilit? will ?? ???vi??? ?? int????tin? SPIKE ER2 missil? t? th? h?lic??t??’s ??m?m?nt. C?nsi????? ?s th? ??????nc? in its civil v??si?n ??? l?w ?n???c?m?nt ????nis?ti?ns ?n? milit??? s??vic?s, th? H145 is in s??vic? with th? US A?m?, which ?????t? its UH-72A L?k?t? v??si?n.