Crafted with the mission in mind, the A-29 Super Tucano.

T?? Em????? EMB 314 S???? T?c?n?, ?ls? n?m?? ALX ?? A-29 is ? t???????? ?i?c???t ??si?n?? ??? li??t ?tt?ck, c??nt?? ins????nc? (COIN), cl?s? ?i? s?????t, ???i?l ??c?nn?iss?nc? missi?ns in l?w t????t ?nvi??nm?nts, ?s w?ll ?s ???vi?in? ?il?t t??inin?.

D?si?n?? t? ?????t? in ?i?? t?m????t??? ?n? ??mi?it? c?n?iti?ns in ?xt??m?l? ?????? t????in, t?? S???? T?c?n? is ?i??l? m?n??v????l?, ??s ? l?w ???t si?n?t???, inc??????t?s 4t? ??n???ti?n ?vi?nics ?n? w????ns s?st?m t? ??liv?? ???cisi?n ??i??? m?niti?ns.

It is c????ntl? in s??vic? wit? t?? ?i? ???c?s ?? An??l?, B??zil, D?minic?n R????lic, C?l?m?i?, Ec?????, C?il?, B??kin? F?s?, M???it?ni? ?n? In??n?si?, ?n? ??s ???n ??????? ?? S?n???l, H?n????s ?n? t?? Unit?? St?t?s Ai? F??c?.