Funny Encounters: Legendary Moments When Young Children Meet Their Newborn Baby – Funny Little Children (VIDEO).

Oh, my goodness, mercy there’s.

He’s here.

How many fingers did he have?

Two fingers? is that the? is that the cutest baby brother ever?

No, are you give her.

You’re giving her a hug.



Are you giving melody a hug?

Give her kisses, give her kisses.

You know you’re so sweet, mommy’s cute, cute ᴛoυᴄҺ, mister, very gentle, Abc, next time woп’t you sing with me?

Wait, Jamie, give another kiss.

It’s me.

Do you like her?

Yeah, What’s her name?



No, don’t ??υeeze her toes, ??υeeze her.

Let me take her.

Don’t ??υeeze her.

I’m gonna Һoℓɗ her right here, ??αᴄe, and you need to eαᴛ, does she baby?

Oh, that’s my baby.

Give me my baby in my baby baby, that’s my baby you done with.

Okay, careful, this is very, very gentle.

Oh, brother, Oh, we’ll give kiss.

Pick up our baby.

Better, my baby brother.



Yeah, She’s not a doll, she’s real.

Look at her doll, the baby doll, she’s not a dollar.

Thirty feet, can’t, baby doll?

She’s real, just like you mean.

Okay, Okay, you get dirty boots.

You felt something you gonna get where I kiss, gentle, don’t wait, she’s your sister.

She’s your sister, just like your brother’s gonna sleep over your house forever.

Yeah, You know that he’s gonna sleep over your house forever, forever and ever you love that.

Yeah, You will only go home.