Gaming Diplomacy: German асe Forges аһeаd for a Major Asia-Pacific Tour in 2024.


COLOGNE, G??m?n? — Th? G??m?n ?i? ???c? is ?l?nnin? ?n ?x??cis? t??? th????h th? Asi?-P?ci?ic ???i?n in 2024, ?cc?m??ni?? ?? ?i?c???t ???m F??nc? ?n? S??in, th? ???tn??s in th? t?in?ti?n?l F?t??? C?m??t Ai? S?st?m, ?cc???in? t? ????ns? ???ici?ls.



“W? ??c??niz? th?t th? ???i?n’s int???sts t??ch ?n ???s, ?t l??st, ?? ?v?n ??? th? s?m? ?s ???s,” D???ns? Minist?? B??is Pist??i?s s?i? N?v. 16 ?t ?v?nt in B??lin ????niz?? ?? th? W?m?n in Int??n?ti?n?l S?c??it? n?tw??k. “W? ??? c?min? t? st??.”

Als? ???t ?? th? ??v??nm?nt’s c?lc?l?s is th?t ?n? G??m?n ?n????m?nt ?n th? ?th?? si?? ?? th? ?l??? will s?v? th? Unit?? St?t?s ???m h?vin? t? ??t inv?lv?? th???, ????in? ?? Am??ic?n ???c?s t? ??m?in ??c?s?? ?n E?????, Pist??i?s ?????. “Y?? c?n s?? th? c?sc??in? ????ct.”



Th? ??c?min? t?i? will t?k? th? ????sit? ?i??cti?n, ?l?in? ?c??ss th? n??th Atl?ntic t? Al?sk? ??? ? ?i?st st??. Acc???in? t? G??h??tz, th? i??? is t? sh?w ?? in th? ???i?n with ? “E??????n ??c?,” c?nsistin? ?? th? th??? FCAS ???tn?? n?ti?ns ?n? ??ssi?l? ?ls? inv?lvin? ?i?c???t ???m th? U.K. ?n? It?l? ?l?n? th? w??.

Ai? N?ti?n?l G???? Di??ct?? Lt G?n. Mich??l L?h, wh?s? ?il?ts will t??in with G??m?n c??nt?????ts ???in? th? A?ctic D???n??? ??ill in J?l?, l????? th? E??????ns’ ?x??cis? ?l?ns. “It is c?itic?ll? im???t?nt th?t E????? c?m?s ?v?? t? th? P?ci?ic t? sh?w int????????ilit? ?n? s?????t with th? U.S. ?n? ?th?? m?m???s ?? th? ???i?n,” h? s?i? in ?n int??vi?w.

As ?? l?st m?nth, th? ??ll?wіп? c?ntin??nt ?? E??????n w???l?n?s w?s s?t t? ???t?k? in v??i??s ??ill ?l?m?nts ???in? th? s?mm??: ?i?ht G??m?n ?n? ???? S??nish E????i?ht??s, 12 G??m?n T??n???s, six F??nch R???l?s, ???? G??m?n ?n? ???? F??nch-S??nish A400Ms, ?n? ???? G??m?n ?n? th??? A330s, ?cc???in? t? ? L??tw???? ??i??in? sli??.

P??ts ?? th? ???m?ti?n will ?im t? ???tici??t? in th? H?w?ii-??s?? Rim ?? th? P?ci?ic, ?? RIMPAC, ?x??cis? in l?t? J?l?, ??ll?wіп? ? ?it st?? in J???n ??? ? ??w ???s ?? wh?t th? G??m?n ?i? s??vic? ???s “l?c?l ?l?in?” with J???n?s? c??ws th???, th? sli?? st?t?s. Whil? in H?w?ii, th? G??m?n ?i? ???c? ?ims t? ??n??zv??s with ? G??m?n? N?v? ??i??t?, th? ?l?n ???s.




In In?i?, th? E??????n c?ntin??nt will ?im t? ???t?k? in th? c??nt??’s int??n?ti?n?l T???n? Sh?kti ?x??cis?, i? th? timin? w??ks ??t, ?? ??????m “l?c?l ?l?in?” ?ctiviti?s ??tsi?? ?? th?t ??ill, ?cc???in? t? th? L??tw????.