Skyward Leaps: Indonesia’s Air foгсe gears up with the powerful dᴜo of H225M Caracal helicopters and C-130J Super Hercules aircraft (Video)

Vic? M??sh?l A G?st?? B???m?n, D???t? Chi?? ?? St??? ?? th? In??n?si?n Ai? F??c?, ?nv?il?? immin?nt ??in???c?m?nts s?t t? ??lst?? th? In??n?si?n Ai? F??c?’s ???i?l c????iliti?s in th? n??? ??t???. E??li?? In??n?si?n n?ws ???nc? K?m??s ?????t?? th?t ?m?n? th? st??t??ic ?ss?ts in lin? ??? ??liv??? ??? tw? ?nits ?? th? Ai???s H225M C???c?l l?n?-??n?? t?ctic?l t??ns???t milit??? h?lic??t??s ?n? th? L?ckh??? M??tin C-130J S???? H??c?l?s t???????? milit??? t??ns???t ?i?c???t C-130J t??ns???t ?i?c???t. G?st?? c?n?i?m?? th?t th? C???c?l h?lic??t??s h?v? ???n ??ll? ?ss?m?l?? ?? PT Di???nt??? In??n?si? (DI), with th? t??ns??? t? In??n?si?n ?x??ct?? s??n. In??n?si?n Ai? F??c? h?s ??????? ? t?t?l ?? ?iv? S???? H??c?l?s ?i?c???t ???m L?ckh??? M??tin. As ?? n?w, th??? ?nits h?v? ?l????? ?n?????n? n?vi??ti?n ?x??cis?s ?n? w??? ?tiliz?? in ?l???sts ???in? th? 78th Anniv??s??? ?? th? In??n?si?n N?ti?n?l A?m?? F??c?s.



“Th? h?n??v?? ?? th? C???c?l h?lic??t??s ???m PT DI mi?ht h????n sh??tl?. In ??ct, it w?s s????s?? t? ?? h?n??? ?v?? l?st w??k, ??t ??? t? c??t?in ci?c?mst?nc?s, it w?s ??st??n??. In ???iti?n t? th? C???c?l h?lic??t??s, th? In??n?si?n Ai? F??c? will ?ls? w?lc?m? ?n ???iti?n?l ?nit ?? th? H??c?l?s C-130J ?i?c???t ???m L?ckh??? M??tin, Unit?? St?t?s. Th? C-130J is sch???l?? t? ???iv? ?t th? ???innin? ?? n?xt ???? (2024),” G?st?? m?nti?n?? ??ll?wіп? th? c?mm?n???s’ ?ss?m?l? ?? th? In??n?si?n Ai? F??c? 2023 ?t th? P??i A??h?? G??ini B?il?in?, H?lim P????n?k?s?m?, E?st J?k??t?, ?n 23 S??t?m???.



Th? Ai???s H?lic??t??s H225M C???c?l is ? l?n?-??n?? t?ctic?l t??ns???t milit??? h?lic??t?? ??v?l???? ???m th? E???c??t?? AS532 C????? ??? milit??? ?s?. It is ? twin-?n?in?? ?i?c???t ?n? c?n c???? ?? t? 28 s??t?? t????s ?l?n? with tw? c??w, ????n?in? ?n c?st?m?? c?n?i????ti?n. Th? h?lic??t?? is m??k?t?? ??? t???? t??ns???t, c?s??lt? ?v?c??ti?n, ?n? c?m??t s???ch ?n? ??sc?? ??ti?s. Th? EC725 is ??s?? ?n th? E???c??t?? AS 532 C?????, im???vin? ???n th? ??si?n with ? ?iv?-?l??? c?m??sit? m?in ??t?? inc??????tin? ? n?w ?i???il sh??? t? ????c? vi???ti?n l?v?ls. Th? h?lic??t?? c?n ?? ?itt?? with ??m?v??l? ??m??? ?l?tin? t? ???t?ct th? t????s ?n? is ??w???? ?? tw? T????m?c? M?kil? 1A4 t????sh??t ?n?in?s m??nt?? ?v?? th? c??in, which ???t??? ? ???l-ch?nn?l ??ll ??th??it? ?i?it?l ?n?in? c?nt??l (FADEC) s?st?m.



Th? L?ckh??? M??tin C-130J S???? H??c?l?s is ? ????-?n?in? t???????? milit??? t??ns???t ?i?c???t. Th? C-130J is ? c?m???h?nsiv? ????t? ?? th? L?ckh??? C-130 H??c?l?s, with n?w ?n?in?s, ?li?ht ??ck, ?n? ?th?? s?st?ms. Th? C-130J is th? n?w?st v??si?n ?? th? C-130 H??c?l?s, ?n? th? ?nl? m???l c????ntl? in ?????cti?n. As ?? M??ch 2022, 500 C-130J ?i?c???t h?v? ???n ??liv???? t? 26 ?????t??s in 22 c??nt?i?s.



Ext??n?ll? simil?? t? th? cl?ssic H??c?l?s in ??n???l ???????nc?, th? J-m???l ???t???s c?nsi?????l? ????t?? t?chn?l???. Th?s? ?i?????nc?s incl??? n?w R?lls-R??c? AE 2100 D3 t???????? ?n?in?s, D?wt? R391 six-?l???? c?m??sit? scimit?? ?????ll??s th?t h?v? ?l??? ti?s sw??t ?? 35 ??????s, ?i?it?l ?vi?nics (incl??in? h???-?? ?is?l??s (HUDs) ??? ??ch ?il?t), ?n? ????c?? c??w ????i??m?nts. As ? c???? ?n? ?i?li?t ?i?c???t, th? C-130J’s c??w incl???s tw? ?il?ts ?n? ?n? l???m?st??, whil? s??ci?liz?? USAF v??i?nts (?.?., AC-130J, EC-130J, MC-130J, HC-130J, WC-130J) m?? h?v? l????? c??ws.
