F-104 Starfighter: Unveiling the Timeless ɩeɡасу of the Ultimate іпteгсeрtoг

The F-104 Starfighter demonstrated superior interception capabilities compared to the F-106A, excelling in both speed and range for intercept missions. Engineered as a supersonic superiority fighter, the F-104 Starfighter boasted exceptional agility. Its development commenced in 1952, and the inaugural XF-104 executed its maiden flight in 1954.


Continuing into 1956, YF-104A testing progressed, leading to the issuance of the first USAF contract on March 2. The contract encompassed 146 F-104As and six F-104Bs for Air Defense Command (ADC), along with 56 externally similar F-104Cs for Tactical Air Command (TAC). As outlined by Peter E. Davies in his book “F-104 Starfighter Units in Combat,” an additional 21 F-104Cs were incorporated on December 26. The introduction of Lockheed’s formidable new fighter into ADC service occurred with the 83rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron (FIS) at Hamilton AFB, California, on January 26, 1958—two years later than initially anticipated.

In June 1959, the 84th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (FIS), an affiliate of the 83rd FIS, transitioned from its Northrop F-89J Scorpion ‘gravel gobbler’ aircraft to become the inaugural Air Defense Command (ADC) unit equipped with the two-seat F-101B Voodoo. Seventeen squadrons eventually underwent re-equipment with the substantial McDonnell F-101B Voodoo, which served as ADC’s primary all-weather interceptor for four years.

Despite the F-104A’s effectiveness with its 20mm gun and two Sidewinders in short-range engagements, the F-101B exhibited enhanced capabilities by carrying two AIR-2A Genie nuclear-tipped missiles with a range exceeding six miles or up to six AIM-4 Falcon infrared missiles. F-104As had a temporary presence on interceptor “pads” for ADC due to their inability to accommodate the electronic equipment essential for seamless integration into America’s intricate Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) defense network.

During an era when the United States was perceived as lagging behind the USSR in bomber forces, the F-104’s remarkable climb and speed performance statistics proved compelling for ADC. This illusion was dispelled in 1961 with the introduction of another Lockheed product—the U-2, which conducted flights revealing the relatively small size of Soviet air forces and contradicting the existence of the previously believed “nuclear-powered bomber” in 1958.

However, by then, ADC had already placed orders for the long-delayed Convair F-102A Delta Dagger, followed by an evolved version—the F-106A Delta Dart. Intended as the interceptor of choice with a more potent search radar and Genie missile armament, the F-106A faced its own delays, with production aircraft unavailable until May 1959. Consequently, ADC opted to utilize the F-104A (and a two-seat conversion of the F-101 Voodoo) as an interim interceptor rather than a superiority fighter, given its evident performance superiority over the existing F-102A and older aircraft types.

Concerns were raised by senior figures, including Brigadier General Stanley Holtoner, regarding the F-104 Starfighter’s limited interception range using only internal fuel. Holtoner estimated a range of only 150 miles against a target at 45,000 feet, even less for those at higher altitudes. Despite the F-101, F-102, and F-106 having better subsonic interception radii, the F-104 stood out as the only fighter capable of executing a Mach 1.5 (or better) interception up to a distance of 150 miles with wingtip Sidewinders. Its interception times, when scrambled, surpassed those of the F-106A, and it could conduct interceptions at a greater range than any comparable fighter.

The perception of the F-104’s lack of range may have originated from the inclination of senior officers and politicians to experience fuel-depleting Mach 2 rides in the two-seat F-104B, which carried only 73 percent of the fuel load of the single-seat aircraft.

Within the Air Defense Command (ADC), the primary mission of the 83rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron (FIS) was to intercept and destroy high-altitude intruders. Training involved sorties against Strategic Air Command (SAC) bombers and even Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. The Starfighter excelled in this role, and although F-104As were limited to four squadrons, including the 83rd FIS, their initial period of ADC service was eventful. Tom Delashaw famously intercepted a U-2 at 72,000 feet and executed a barrel roll around the spy plane to demonstrate that he was not the sole inhabitant of those lofty heights. Additionally, he zoom-climbed an F-104 to 92,000 feet over West Germany during the Berlin crisis, illustrating that any Soviet high-flyers were susceptible to the Starfighter.


The entry of the 83rd FIS F-104As provided an ideal opportunity to showcase the aircraft’s performance and enhance its reputation, especially at a time when accidents during the fighter’s test program were generating unwelcome headlines. Major Harold C. Johnson reached 91,249 feet over Edwards AFB, California, on May 7, 1958, while Captain Walter W. Irwin achieved 1404.9 mph over a 15-mile course at the same location on May 16. Consequently, the F-104A became the first aircraft to hold both the World Airspeed and World Altitude records simultaneously. Further time-to-climb records were set on December 10 and 13, and on the 14th, Captain Joe Jordan piloted an F-104C to 103,389 feet, surpassing the existing high-altitude balloon record and establishing the F-104 as the first aircraft to exceed 100,000 feet entirely under its own power.