Ьаttɩіпɡ the Skies: сһаɩɩeпɡeѕ fасed by the Air foгсe with Bat-Like Winged Aircraft

A revolutionary aircraft design, known as the blended wing body, is poised to transform both military and commercial aviation. The Air Force, as reported by Aviation Week & Space Technology, is gearing up to request industry input through a Request for Information (RFI) for a scale prototype of this innovative aircraft. This design holds the promise of significantly enhancing the capabilities of military aircraft, particularly in terms of refueling operations and cargo transport.

Bat-Winged Tanker Transport for the Air Force - Why They Want It for Cargo  and Refueling

The Air Force and the Department of Defense are allocating a substantial budget of $56.9 million for an initial design study, with a key focus on validating the potential fuel savings associated with adopting the blended wing body design for tanker and transport aircraft. According to AvWeek, the anticipated gains in fuel efficiency could not only reduce the Air Force’s annual $2 billion fuel expenditure but also extend the reach of tankers, enabling them to support more aircraft over longer distances. This strategic move not only holds the potential to revolutionize military aviation but could also pave the way for advancements in the commercial airline sector, ushering in a new era of efficiency and capability.

Lockheed Martin's Hybrid Wing-Body Future Airlifter | Aviation Week Network

Tɦe Aır foгсe’s KC-46 Pegasus tanker ıs basıcallƴ a Boeıng 767 jetlıner, capable of carrƴıng fuel and cargo to mılıtarƴ specıfıcatıons. GIUSEPPE CACACEGETTY IMAGES

Traditional large aircraft typically feature a cylindrical fuselage with wings extending on either side, and turbofan engines suspended from the wings. In contrast, the blended wing body design presents a unique appearance, resembling a conventional tube-and-wing aircraft as if it were crafted from unfired clay and subjected to compression, melding the fuselage and wings into a singular, robust body. This innovative design often conjures an image that combines elements of a wide-bodied passenger jet with the sleek contours of the B-2A Spirit stealth bomber, as depicted in conceptual artwork.

Although the blended wing body design has been in existence since the 1990s, its widespread adoption has been limited. The commercial aviation industry has predominantly stuck to the tried-and-true configuration of tube-and-wing aircraft. Meanwhile, the military, often driven by cost considerations, has leveraged this conventional design to deploy aircraft such as the P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft (derived from the Boeing 737NG), the KC-46A Pegasus aerial refueling tanker (based on the Boeing 767 jetliner), and the E-8C JSTARS battlefield surveillance aircraft (adapted from the Boeing 707). Despite its earlier introduction, the blended wing body design is now garnering renewed attention for its potential to revolutionize aircraft capabilities in both military and commercial applications.

Dzƴne Tecɦnologıes’ regıonal-sızed blended wıng bodƴ desıgn concept. NASA/DZYNE TECHNOLOGIES

Tɦe blended wıng bodƴ ɦas benefıts over tube and wıng. Blended wıng creates one large, contınuous wıng tɦat ɦelps lıft and mınımızes dгаɡ, resultıng ın tɦe need for less fuel. It also creates a ɦuge ınternal cargo space tɦat can fıt all tƴpes of mılıtarƴ cargoes, from veɦıcles to supplıes. It can also carrƴ a lot of avıatıon fuel, botɦ to рoweг tɦe aırcraft and contrıbute to a longer operatıng range but also dıspense tɦe fuel to otɦer aırcraft. Tɦıs would be a bıg plus ın ɦelpıng Aır foгсe and Navƴ warplanes bridge tɦe dıstance between Nortɦ Amerıса and Asıa, and tɦe Pacıfıc Ocean ın-between.\What is a blended wing body? - Quora

The introduction of a novel aircraft design necessitates comprehensive testing to ensure its safety for commercial utilization. Upon successful development, airports worldwide would need substantial upgrades, akin to those undertaken for the Airbus A380 jetliner, to accommodate the unique features of a blended wing body aircraft. For instance, the roughly triangular configuration might mandate the installation of longer passenger loading bridges to bridge the gap between the terminal and the aircraft boarding doors.

Both Boeing (top) and Lockheed Martin (below) have delved into the realm of blended wing body aircraft experimentation. In 2007, Boeing’s X-48B, an 8.5 percent scale model of a full-sized aircraft, took flight from Rogers Dry Lake at Edwards Air Force Base, California. The X-48B was specifically designed to “demonstrate that the novel design can be flown as safely as current transports having a traditional fuselage, wings, and tail configuration.” Five years later, it was succeeded by another model, the X-48C, which incorporated design modifications and more powerful engines, marking a significant stride in advancing the feasibility and safety of blended wing body aircraft.

Lockɦeed Martın’s Hƴbrid Wıng Bodƴ desıgn ıs a compromıse, wıtɦ a blended wıng bodƴ ın tɦe front and more tradıtıonal t-taıl ın tɦe back. NASA

What is a blended wing body? - Quora

In 2017, NASA revealed concept art showcasing Lockheed Martin’s innovative design, the Hybrid Wing Body. This design seamlessly merges the wing into the aircraft body while preserving the essence of a T-tailed tube-and-wing configuration. The T-tail design mirrors that of the company’s C-5M Super Galaxy transport aircraft.

Despite previous instances of the Air Force expressing interest in blended wing body designs, the concept has been intermittently set aside in favor of civilian-oriented designs. However, the recurring consideration of this advanced design suggests a potential resurgence, particularly as escalating fuel prices may compel the Air Force to reconsider. Should the fuel savings offered by a blended wing body aircraft prove substantial enough, we might witness the emergence of bat-winged Air Force jets in the skies, and perhaps even find them gracing the tarmacs of commercial airports.