The giant newborn baby weighing 14 lbs in the US.

I’ve never seen such a huge baby before!’ An Arizona mother gives birth to a 14 lb. boy via C-section – and the tot is already wearing clothes meant for a six-to-nine-month-old.

Woman Gives Birth To A Giant 14 lb Boy In US

He is perfectly round and flawless in every way. A woman in the US has some significant baby news: she recently gave birth to a baby boy weighing over 14 lbs. Cary and Tim Patonai, from Phoenix, Arizona, welcomed their third son, Finnley, on October 4. The infant was born at 38 weeks, weighing in at 14 lbs, 1 oz. His birth weight is nearly double the newborn average.

Cary said Finnley’s weight didn’t come as a total surprise, as she was informed during her final ultrasound that he was weighing around 13 lbs. “I gave birth to a giant 14 lb boy – he was so huge I had a C-section, and he went straight into 9-month-old’s clothes,” she said.

Parents Cary and Tim Patonai knew they were expecting an unusually big baby when doctors predicted he would weigh around 13.8 lbs at birth. But Finnley weighed 14 lbs, 1 oz at birth – nearly double the average weight of a newborn. The baby was the biggest that Cary’s doctor has ever delivered in 27 years of practice. Cary told Fox News, “He was so big, plus I had almost double the amniotic fluid, so to say I had a big baby belly and that I was absolutely completely uncomfortable isn’t enough.”

Banner Thunderbird Medical Center only carried diapers for newborns – but Finnley already wears a size two, so they had to place a special order for his size. And the Patonai family had to rush out for baby clothes in size six to nine months.

“He is such a good, sweet baby. I am so grateful everything ended on such a great positive side,” she said.

Finnley’s older brothers, Deven, 10, and Everett, 2, were also born via C-section, but they were delivered on schedule. They weighed 8.2 pounds and 11.1 pounds, respectively, but Finnley took the lead.

The Patonais are now enjoying their time as a new family of five. “While Finnley’s birth is certainly an extraordinary one, I want people to hear my story and remember that challenging times don’t last forever. I think it’s important for other people to know there is hope behind all of those closed doors and that they aren’t alone as they are going through their own trying times. Every woman has a different path than the next, some are easier and some are harder. What matters is that we support each other, with love, care, and respect,” she said.