Video! Capture The Moment Dolphin Caught In A Fisherman’s Net Was Rescued On Indonesian Island

Dolphin caught in fisherman’s net rescued on Indonesian island
The dolphin, unable to swim due to a fishing net wrapped around its tail and pectoral fins, was rescued by villagers and released back into the sea.
A wild dolphin stranded in coastal waters in the Raja Ampat archipelago on May 2 was fortunately rescued by residents in Warimak village, West Papua province, Indonesia. The animal was found exhausted and unable to swim due to a fisherman’s fishing net wrapped around its tail and pectoral fins.
Footage recorded shows villagers, after finding the dolphin trapped, tried to pull it to the shore to find a way to rescue. They carefully removed the net from the animal in front of a large number of locals, including many children. The dolphin was then released back into the sea after its pectoral and tail fins were released.
The Raja Ampat Islands are likened to a “paradise under the earth” when possessing beautiful, unspoiled natural landscapes, and diverse marine flora and fauna with more than 1,500 species of fish, 700 species of mollusk and carpets. 180,000 square kilometers of coral. The residents of Warimak village have made a commitment to preserving the natural resources and habitats in the area.