Nightly Blessings: Sending Sweet Dreams from My Little Angel with Love.

Ecstatic with the photo of a baby smiling while sleeping 1

Dreaming about the prince.


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Oh my skin is so 𝕤ʍooᴛҺ!


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Dreaming about my mother coming home, I smiled brightly.


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Get some sleep and then go back to your grandmother’s house.


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When I grow up, I will be as beautiful as my mother!


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Is your pose beautiful like this?


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About to go away!


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It’s so quiet!


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So comfortable!


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I really like the hat my mom bought!


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Santa Claus is coming!


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Don’t tickle my navel, it tickles too much!


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Oh, what a 𝕤Һαʍe!


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I’m full of milk, let’s sleep!