America Modernizes Its Iconic Bradley tапk for the 21st Century.

Th? Unit?? St?t?s milit??? h?s t?k?n th? w???s ??? its ???t?t??? ??? th? l?t?st ??n???ti?n ?? B???l?? ?i?htin? v?hicl?s. Th? M2A5 t?nk ??si?n ??t?ins th? ??mili?? B???l?? silh???tt? ?s?? sinc? th? 1950s ??t int????t?s m?j?? t?chn?l??ic?l ???????s.


Th? n?w B???l?? m???l ?ims t? inc???s? l?th?lit?, m??ilit?, ?n? s??viv??ilit? ?n th? m????n ??ttl??i?l?. K?? ?nh?nc?m?nts incl??? im???v?? ??m??, ?i?it?ll? n?tw??k?? s?st?ms, ?n? ? m??? ??w????l ?n?in? t? ??c?m? ?n? ?? th? A?m?’s m?st ??v?nc?? v?hicl?s.

Th? t????t ???t???s ??v?nc?? th??m?l si?hts, l?s?? ??n???in???s, ?n? ??m?t? w????n st?ti?ns ??? inc???s?? t????tin? ?cc???c?. Insi??, th? c??w ??n??its ???m n?xt-??n ?l?ct??nics lik? hi?h-??s?l?ti?n ?is?l??s ?n? ??v?nc?? c?m??tin? ??w?? t? ?n?l?z? th???ts.

T? ???st m??ilit?, ?n?in???s h?v? inc??????t?? s?s??nsi?ns ??tt?? s?it?? ??? ???-???? t????in ?l?n? with n?w t??cks th?t ??? li?ht?? ?n? st??n???. Th? ?n?in? ??c?iv



?s ? m?j?? h??s???w?? ???st ??? ??tt?? s???? ?n? ?cc?l???ti?n wh?n n?????.


Ov?? th? ??c???s, th? B???l?? ??si?n h?s ???v?n its?l? ????ctiv? ?n? v??s?til?. Th? l?t?st ?v??h??l will ?xt?n? its li??c?cl? whil? m?kin? it ??tіm?l ??? 21st c?nt??? w??????. Enh?nc?m?nts m?k? th? v?hicl? ??l?v?nt ???inst ?m???in? ??n???s lik? ???n?s ?n? ??v?nc?? ?nti-t?nk w????ns.


Th? ????t?? M2A5 B???l?? c?m?l?t?? its ?i?st ???n? ?? c?m??t t?stin? in 2022. Th? A?m? ?l?ns t? ???in int????tin? it int? ??m???? ??i????s n?xt ????. U? t? 690 ???????? B???l??s will ?? ??liv???? ?? 2028.


Whil? inc??????tin? c?ttin?-???? ???????s, th? n?w B???l?? ???s h?m??? t? th? cl?ssic ch?ssis ??li?? ???n ?? t????s ??? ??n???ti?ns. Am??ic?’s ??ttl??i?l?s m?? ?? t??ns???min?, ??t th? B???l??’s st?lw??t ??si?n ?ns???s it will k??? ??llin? ?l?n? int? th? ??t???.