At the upcoming 2023 International Maritime defeпѕe Show (IMDS), Rosoboronexport plans to showcase state-of-the-art naval armaments and equipment.

In 2023, th? Int??n?ti?n?l M??itim? D???ns? Sh?w will ?? h?l? ??? th? ?i?st tіm? in K??nst??t, ? cit? ?? R?ssi?’s milit??? ?l???, wh??? it ??c?m? ??ssi?l? t? c?m?in? in ? c?nv?ni?nt w?? ? ?is?l?? ?? shi?s ?n? s??m??in?s ?n th? ?i?? ?n? ??vili?ns th?t ?cc?mm???t? ?xhi?iti?n s??c? ?n? ???ms ??? n???ti?ti?ns. Th? c?n?iti?ns ???vi??? ?t th? sh?w c????s??n? t? th? hi?h st?t?s ?? th? ????i?n ??l???ti?ns, with th? n?c?ss??? in???st??ct??? ??ilt ?cc???in? t? ?ll m????n ????i??m?nts. Sc?l? m???ls ?? th? P??j?cts 677E ?n? 636 s??m??in?s, th? P??j?ct 22800E K???k??t-E-cl?ss ??i???-missil? c??v?tt?, th? P??j?ct 11356 ??i??t?, th? P??j?ct 20382 Ti??-cl?ss c??v?tt?, c??st?l ????ns? missil? s?st?ms will ?? ?n ?is?l?? ?t th? c?m??n?’s ???th. S????c? shi?s, s??m??in?s, s?????t v?ss?ls ?n? ?th?? ???ts ??? ???th?? in cl?s? ???ximit? t? th? ??vili?ns. Within th? ???m?w??k ?? th? 2023 IMDS ??sin?ss ??????m, R?s?????n?x???t will h?l? ???s?nt?ti?ns ?? R?ssi?n ?????cts ??? int??n?ti?n?l ???tn??s, ?n? will ?nv?il ?????s?ls ??? in??st?i?l c??????ti?n in th? ?i?l? ?? n?v?l shi???il?in?.

“F?? ????s, th? m??itim? sh?w h?s s?cc?ss??ll? c?nt?i??t?? t? th? st??n?th?nin? ?? ??i?n?l? ti?s ?n? ??st???? ???n, m?t??ll? ??n??ici?l sh??in? ?? ?x???i?nc?s ??tw??n ?????s?nt?tiv?s ?? l???in? shi???il?in? in??st?? ?nt????is?s ?n? c?ns?m??s ?? th?i? ?????cts. R?s?????n?x???t is ? t???iti?n?l ?xhi?it?? ?n? s??ns?? ?? th? sh?w, ?n? ?v??? tіm?, with ????t ??i?? ??? th? R?ssi?n in??st??, w? int????c? t? ??? int??n?ti?n?l ???tn??s ?????cts ?? th? ??m?stic shi???il?in? s?ct??, c??st?l ????ns? s?st?ms ?n? n?v?l w????ns. In 2023, R?s?????n?x???t ?n? R?ssi?n ?nt????is?s ???tici??tin? in th? n?v?l sh?w will ??m?nst??t? t? visit??s s????c? shi?s ?n? s??m??in?s in s??vic? with th? Minist?? ?? D???ns?, th? Minist?? ?? Int??n?l A???i?s ?n? th? B????? S??vic? ?? th? FSB ?? th? R?ssi?n F?????ti?n, th? Z?sl?n ?n? Min???l-ME shi????n? ????? s?st?ms ?n? th? R???zh-ME c??st?l ????ns? missil? s?st?m,” s?i? Al?x?n??? Mikh??v, Di??ct?? G?n???l ?? R?s?????n?x???t.

JSC R?s?????n?x???t is th? s?l? st?t? int??m??i??? ???nc? ??? R?ssi?’s ?x???ts/im???ts ?? ????ns?-??l?t?? ?n? ???l ?s? ?????cts, t?chn?l??i?s ?n? s??vic?s. Th? R?s?????n?x???t F?????l St?t? Unit??? Ent????is? (FSUE) w?s s?t ?? in 2000 ?? ? D?c??? ?? th? P??si??nt ?? R?ssi? ?n? is ch????? with im?l?m?nt?ti?n ?? th? ??lic? ?? th? St?t? in th? ???? ?? milit???-t?chnic?l c??????ti?n ??tw??n R?ssi? ?n? ????i?n c??nt?i?s. In 2007, th? ?nt????is? w?s ??-???ist???? ?s R?s?????n?x???t O??n j?int-st?ck c?m??n? (OJSC). In 2011, R?st?khn?l??ii n?n-????it st?t? c??????ti?n ?c??i??? 100% ?? R?s?????n?x???t OJSC.

Th? ???ici?l st?t?s ?? R?s?????n?x???t ?????nt??s th? s?????t ?? th? R?ssi?n G?v??nm?nt in ?ll ?x???t ?????ti?ns. Th? R?s?????n?x???t St?t? C??????ti?n is ?xcl?siv?l? ?ntitl?? t? s???l? th? int??n?ti?n?l m??k?t th? wh?l? ??n?? ?? R?ssi?n ??m?m?nts ???ici?ll? ?ll?w?? ??? ?x???t. R?s?????n?x???t is ??nk?? ?m?n? th? l???in? ?????t??s in th? int??n?ti?n?l ??ms m??k?t.