Australia’s progress is primarily ргoрeɩɩed by the shipbuilding industry in Western Australia.

Un??? th? st??t??ic shi???il??? ?il?t, A?m?’s L?n?in? C???t M??i?m ?n? H??v? (Litt???l M?n???v?? V?ss?ls) will ?? ??ilt ?t H?n???s?n ?? A?st?l, s??j?ct t? s?cc?ss??l c?mm??ci?l n???ti?ti?ns ?n? ?n??in? ??????m?nc?. This will ?cc?l???t? ?n? ?x??n? th? ??liv??? ?? v?ss?ls th?t will ???vi?? A?m? with th? ??ilit? t? c?n??ct litt???l m?n???v?? ?????ti?ns, c?nsist?nt with th? ??c?mm?n??ti?ns ?? th? D???nc? St??t??ic R?vi?w. A?st??li?’s Bi???n G???? Pt? Lt? h?s ???n s?l?ct?? ?s th? ????????? ??si?n?? ??? th? L?n?in? C???t M??i?m c????ilit?. Th? C?mm?nw??lth will w??k with Bi???n t? ?n???t?k? ???th?? ??si?n m?t???ti?n t? ??????? th? L?n?in? C???t M??i?m ??si?n, ??? th? c?nst??cti?n ?? 18 v?ss?ls ?t H?n???s?n. S??j?ct t? th? L?n?in? C???t M??i?m ???j?ct’s ??????m?nc?, th? G?v??nm?nt ?ls? int?n?s t? ??il? th? L?n?in? C???t H??v? c????ilit? th????h th? st??t??ic ???tn??shi?.

Q??t?s ?tt?i??t??l? t? Minist?? ??? D???nc? In??st??, th? H?n P?t C?n??? MP: “This ???tn??shi? ?????s?nts ? n?w ??????ch t? A?st??li?n shi???il?in? ?n? ???l?cts th? Al??n?s? G?v??nm?nt’s st?????st c?mmitm?nt t? ??liv??in? ? ??t??? m??? in A?st??li?. A c?ntin???s ?i??lin? ?? w??k ?n? ?n ???ici?nt, st???mlin?? ??????ch will n?t ?nl? ??n??it th? ??liv??? ?? D???nc? c????ilit? ??t c???t? in??st?? c?n?i??nc? t? inv?st in ? hi?hl? c????l? shi???il?in? w??k???c? in W?st??n A?st??li?. A?st??li?n in??st?? c?n c?m??t? with th? ??st in th? w??l?, ??t ??? t?? l?n? h?s s??????? th? ???m ??st c?cl? ?? shi???il?in?, ?n???minin? ?????ctivit? ?n? w??k???c? ??t?nti?n. This ?n?s with this st??t??ic ???tn??shi?.”

A?st?l will ?ls? ??liv?? tw? n?w Ev?lv?? C???-Cl?ss P?t??l B??ts ??? th? R???l A?st??li?n N?v? ?t ?n ?c??isiti?n c?st ?? $157.1 milli?n. This im???t?nt c????ilit? will ???l?c? ?n? si?ni?ic?ntl? ?nh?nc? N?v?’s ??in? ?t-s?? n?vi??ti?n ?n? s??m?nshi? t??inin? c????ilit?. T? ?n????in th? st??t??ic shi???il??? ?il?t, D???nc? ?n? A?st?l will ?nt?? int? ? H???s ?? A????m?nt – which will s?t ??t th? ??inci?l?s ?n? ???m?w??k th?t ??v??n this ?n???in? ???tn??shi? – ?n? will c?mm?nc? n???ti?ti?ns ??? ? st??t??ic shi???il??? ?????m?nt. A s?v???i?n ?n? ?n???in? n?v?l shi???il?in? ?n? s?st?inm?nt in??st?? ?t H?n???s?n is c?nt??l t? th? G?v??nm?nt’s c?mmitm?nt t? ?ns??in? c?ntin???s n?v?l shi???il?in? in A?st??li? ?n? ??liv??in? th? c????iliti?s n????? t? k??? A?st??li?ns s???.