Discovery of Massive UFO Mothership in Apollo 17 Photo on September 24, 2013

You’re familiar with my stance; trust in NASA extends only as far as I can scrutinize their claims. Recently, I decided to examine some fresh images from the Apollo 17 mission—new to me, that is. These particular photos were tucked away on a relatively obscure site, presumably to deter widespread investigation. The scale and intricacy of this mothership are nothing short of astonishing.

Click on any photo to enlarge.

Date of discovery: September 24, 2013

Location of discovery: Sea of Rains, Timocaris, E Wall, Earths Moon

This photo is in the NASA collection at the University of Arizona…gota love them. ASU got them directly from Lydon B. Johnson Space Center.

In this particular photo I found a very long аɩіeп ship. It looks to be made from a white ceramic-like material, but also has a black structure on top of it at its middle. Notice the right angle walls on the black structure at the ships center.

Please check it oᴜt and сoпfігm it in comments below, NASA will delete this photo when they discover it in a few months, so please share this info with others. SCW

In the above photo you can see what looks like a cigar shaped UFO docked at a cliff side to give it added protection from both meteorites and detection.

In the above you can see what I often talk about…the black structures on the moon. There are 4 types that I have found before, glass like, white ceramic like, flat black, and smaller structures which are gray metallic in color.

Above you see an example of the full photo, however the link photo is higher size. I circled in red the objects of interest so that when you go to the original NASA source, you can find them. SCW

Please watch the below video in full screen mode and HD settings.