The Apache has two engines, equipped with two independently rotating tail rotors, each with two counter-rotating blades. It can reach a top speed of up to 293 km/h and fly at a maximum altitude of about 6,400 meters. The Apache is also equipped with weapons such as Hellfire missiles, 30mm machine guns, and anti-tank bombs.
The Apache is designed with stealth technology, modern sensor and radar systems, which allows it to operate in low-light and difficult conditions. It can also perform reconnaissance and surveillance missions with terrain observation devices and communication systems.
The Apache has been widely used in wars around the world, including the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. It has demonstrated its ability to attack and counter-attack flexibly, especially in complex urban combat situations.
Overall, over 2,000 Apache helicopters have been produced and sold to countries around the world. The Apache has become an icon of US military power and is considered one of the most effective attack helicopters in history