Mastering the Skies: Unveiling the Pinnacle of Versatility with the AgustaWestland AW101 Multirole Helicopter. (Video) ‎

Th? A??st?W?stl?n? AW101 is ? m??i?m-li?t h?lic??t?? ?s?? in ??th milit??? ?n? civil ???lic?ti?ns. Fi?st ?l?wn in 1987, it w?s ??v?l???? ?? ? j?int v?nt??? ??tw??n W?stl?n? H?lic??t??s in th? Unit?? Kin???m ?n? A??st? in It?l? in ??s??ns? t? n?ti?n?l ????i??m?nts ??? ? m????n n?v?l ?tilit? h?lic??t??. S?v???l ?????t??s, incl??in? th? ??m?? ???c?s ?? B?it?in, D?nm??k, N??w?? ?n? P??t???l, ?s? th? n?m? M??lin ??? th?i? AW101 ?i?c???t. It is m?n???ct???? ?t ??ct??i?s in Y??vil, En?l?n? ?n? V???i?t?, It?l?; lic?ns?? ?ss?m?l? w??k h?s ?ls? t?k?n ?l?c? in J???n ?n? th? Unit?? St?t?s.

P?i?? t? 2007, th? ?i?c???t h?? ???n m??k?t?? ?n??? th? ??si?n?ti?n EH101. Th? ??i?in?l ??si?n?ti?n w?s in ??ct EHI 01, ???m th? n?m? ?iv?n t? th? An?l?-It?li?n j?int v?nt??? – E??????n H?lic??t?? In??st?i?s – ??t ? t??nsc?i?ti?n ????? ch?n??? this t? EH101 ?n? th? ??si?n?ti?n st?ck. In 2000, W?stl?n? H?lic??t??s ?n? A??st? m????? t? ???m A??st?W?stl?n?, l???in? t? th? t???’s c????nt ??si?n?ti?n.



On 25 Oct???? 2007, ? ???j?ct st??t?? th?t h?? th? int?nt t? ???l?c? ?ll W?stl?n? S?? Kin? s???ch ?n? ??sc?? h?lic??t??s with n?w ??sc?? h?lic??t??s ?? 2020. On 19 D?c?m??? 2013, ? c?nt??ct w?s si?n?? ??tw??n A??st?W?stl?n? ?n? th? ??v??nm?nt, ??? th? ???ch?s? ?? 16 AW101 h?lic??t??s. Th? ?????m?nt c?m? ????t ??t?? ?i??c? c?m??titi?n ??tw??n ?i?????nt m?n???ct????s t? s?tis?? th? N??w??i?n ????i??m?nts. P??tici??nts w??? A??st?W?stl?n?, E???c??t??, NHIn??st?i?s, Sik??sk? Ai?c???t C??????ti?n ?n? B??in?. Th? ??v??nm?nt c?nsi????? th?t

AW101 helicopter


A??st?W?stl?n? AW101 m?t th? ????i??m?nts ?n? s??ci?ic?ti?ns in th? ??st ??ssi?l? w??.




On 12 J?n? 2017, P??-Will? Am?n?s?n, Minist?? ?? J?stic? ?n? P??lic S?c??it?, ?nn??nc?? th? ???nin? ?? L??n????’s AW101 N??w?? T??inin? C?nt?? ?t St?v?n??? S?l? Ai? St?ti?n. Th? t??inin? c?nt?? incl???s ?n AW101 F?ll Fli?ht Sim?l?t?? (FFS), j?intl? ??v?l???? ?? L??n???? ?n? CAE t? L?v?l D, which is ? CAE S??i?s 3000 ??vic?, ?l?n? with ?n AW101 SAR c?ns?l? t??inin? s?st?m link?? t? th? FFS t? ???vi?? ???? c??w t??inin?. Th? ?i?st t??inin? c???s? ?t th? c?nt?? st??t?? ??i?? t? ??liv??? ?? th? ?i?st ??t??c???t. Th? t??inin? c?nt?? will ?? ?s?? ?? ??th N??w??i?n ?n? ????i?n AW101 c?st?m??s.
