Pioneering the Future: Chinese Stirling Engine Shatters Power Records in Cutting-Edge Thermoacoustic Technology (VIDEO).

Chin? h?s ???ch?? ?n im???t?nt mil?st?n? in ??v?l??in? ? hi?h-???ici?nc? th??m??c??stic Sti?lin? ??n???t??, ?cc???in? t? th? S??th Chin? M??nin? P?st (SCMP). D?v?l???? ?? ??s???ch??s ?t th? T?chnic?l Instit?t? ?? Ph?sics ?n? Ch?mist?? (TIPC) ?t th? Chin?s? Ac???m? ?? Sci?nc?s (CAS), th? n?w ?n?in? ??liv???? ? ????n?????kin? 140 h? (102 kil?w?tts) ?? ??w?? ???m ? h??t s???c? ?? 986 ??????s F?h??nh?it (530 ??????s C?lsi?s). Acc???in? t? th? SCMP, this is th? ?i?st ᴛι̇ʍ? th?t this t??? ?? ????kth????h ??n???t?? h?s ??n? ?v?? 134 h? (100 kil?w?tts).



S???? ??i?t s??m??in?s

S?ch ?n?in?s th????tic?ll? h?v? s?v???l ?xcitin? ???lic?ti?ns, ?n? ?? th? m?st int???stin? ??in? ? ??w?? s???c? ??? ?lt??-??i?t s??m??in?s. P??vi??s w??k ?n this kin? ?? ??n???t?? incl???s NASA’s ??t?nt?? LEW-TOPS-80 ??i??? with ?n ?lt??n?t?? t? ??n???t? ?l?ct?icit? in s??c?. T? ??t?, NASA h?s n?t c???t?? ? w??kin? ???t?t???.

A th??m??c??stic Sti?lin? ??n???t?? is ?n ??v?nc?? ?n???? c?nv??si?n ??vic? th?t c?m?in?s th??m??c??stic ?n?in?s with Sti?lin? ?n?in? t?chn?l???. It is ?xcitin? ??c??s? it c?n t??ns???m th??m?l ?n???? int? ?l?ct?ic?l ?n???? with??t ?sin? ?n? m?vin? ???ts ?t n?n-?m?i?nt t?m????t???s, m?kin? it m??? ??li??l? ?n? ???ici?nt.



As s??n? w?v?s t??v?l th????h ??s?s, ???c?ls ?? ??s ??? c?m???ss?? ?n? ?x??n??? ??i???tic?ll?, m??nin? th?t th? ???c?ss ?cc??s with??t t??ns????in? h??t t? th? s?????n?in?s. This ??s?lts in ch?n??s in ???ss??? ?n? t?m????t??? within th? ??s. Wh?n th? ???ss??? ???ch?s its m?xim?m ?? minim?m, th? t?m????t??? ???ch?s its m?xim?m ?? minim?m. T? this ?n?, th? n?w Chin?s? ??n???t?? int????t?s ? m?t?? th?t c?n ?i??ctl? c?nv??t s??n? int? ?l?ct?ic?l ?n????, ??shin? th? ???n???i?s ?? t???iti?n?l Sti?lin? ?n?in? ??si?ns.

This t?chn?l??? is s??n ?s ? ??m?-ch?n??? ??? ?ist?i??t?? ?n???? s?st?ms ??? t? its v??s?tilit? ?n? ???ici?nc?. It c?n ?? c?m?in?? with ?i?????nt h??t s???c?s ?n? c??l? ch?n?? h?w ?n???? is ??n???t??, ???vi?in? s?l?ti?ns ??? v??i??s ?n???? n???s.



Acc???in? t? P????ss?? H? Ji?n?in? ?? TIPC, th? Chin?s? ??n???t?? h?s ? ??m???ll-lik? sh??? ?n? is ????t 6.5 ???t (2 m?t??s) l?n?. It ?ls? ?????t?s with im???ssiv? ???ici?nc?. “Th? c????nt th??m??l?ct?ic c?nv??si?n ???ici?nc? is ????t 28 ???c?nt; with ? h?tt?? 600-?????? th??m?l ?l?i?, ???ici?nc? c??l? ???ch 34 ???c?nt,” h? s?i?.

P????ss?? L?? E?c?n? ?? TIPC hi?hli?ht?? th? ??n???t??’s ??li??ilit?, sim?l? ??si?n, ??w m?vin? ???ts, ?n? c?m??ti?ilit? with v??i??s h??t s???c?s ?s ??ct??s th?t ?n??l? it t? ?iv?l th? ???ici?nc? ?? st??m t???in?s. “It ?????t?s ??i?tl? ?n? ???ici?ntl? ?n? c?n ?s? ?i?????nt t???s ?? h??t, incl??in? s?l?? ?n????, w?st? h??t, ?n? ?i?m?ss,” ? CAS st?t?m?nt ???t?? L??.



“Hi?h-???ss??? h?li?m ?t 15 m?????sc?ls s??v?s ?s th? w??kin? m??i?m, ?n? th? ??s?nc? ?? m?ch?nic?l ???ts n???in? l???ic?ti?n m??ns th? ??n???t?? c??l? ?xc??? ? ??c??? ?? li??s??n,” Ji?n?in? ?x?l?in??. H? ?ls? n?t?? th?t th? m?t??’s ??si?n ?v?i?s vi???ti?ns ?n? m?int?ins ?n ?i?ti?ht s??l. “Th? lin??? m?t??, c?nsistin? ?? ? ?ist?n ??iv?n ?? s??n? w?v?s, ???m?n?nt m??n?ts, ?n? c?ils, c?nt?i??t?s t? th? hi?h c?nv??si?n ???ici?nc?. Its s?mm?t?ic?l ??si?n ?ls? ?limin?t?s s?m? h??m??l vi???ti?ns,” h? ?x?l?in??.



M?n? ?th?? ???lic?ti?ns

“Th? lin??? m?t?? k???s ? v??? tin? s??c?, ????t th? thickn?ss ?? ? h?m?n h?i?, ??tw??n th? ?ist?n ?n? c?lin???. This ???v?nts th? ???ts ???m t??chin? whil? m?int?inin? th? int??n?l ?i?ti?ht ?nvi??nm?nt,” ????? Ji?n?in?. “It is ? ???misin? n?w ??n???ti?n t?chn?l??? ??? s?l?? th??m?l, ?i?m?ss ??w?? ??n???ti?n, ?n? ?ist?i??t?? ?n???? s?st?ms,” h? s?i?.