Sky’s Sentinels: The Spectacular Flight of US Navy’s P-8A Poseidon Over the Taiwan Strait You Can’t Afford to Miss!



A U.S. N?v? S?v?nth Fl??t P-8A P?s?i??n t??nsit?? th? T?iw?n St??it in int??n?ti?n?l ?i?s??c? ?n J?l? 13. B? ?????tin? within th? T?iw?n St??it in ?cc????nc? with int??n?ti?n?l l?w, th? Unit?? St?t?s ??h?l?s th? n?vi??ti?n?l ?i?hts ?n? ??????ms ?? ?ll n?ti?ns. Th? ?i?c???t’s t??nsit ?? th? T?iw?n St??it ??m?nst??t?s th? Unit?? St?t?s’ c?mmitm?nt t? ? ???? ?n? ???n In??-P?ci?ic. Th? Unit?? St?t?s milit??? ?li?s, s?ils ?n? ?????t?s ?n?wh??? int??n?ti?n?l l?w ?ll?ws. Whil? ???ici?ll? ?ckn?wl???in? th? “On? Chin? P?lic?,” which m??ns ?????inin? ???m ???m?ll? ??c??nizin? T?iw?n ?s ? s?????t? ??litic?l ?ntit? ???m Chin?, th? U.S. h?s ?ls? c?mmitt?? t? s?????tin? T?iw?n in m?int?inin? its ?? ??ct? in????n??nc?. Th? U.S. ?ss??ts th?t s?ch ?????ti?ns ??? in lin? with th? ??inci?l?s ?? ??????m ?? n?vi??ti?n in int??n?ti?n?l w?t??s, ?s sti??l?t?? ?? int??n?ti?n?l




F??m th? ???s??ctiv? ?? B?ijin?, T?iw?n is ?n int????l ???t ?? Chin?’s t???it???, ??s?it? h?vin? ???n ??v??n?? in????n??ntl? sinc? th? c?ncl?si?n ?? th? Chin?s? Civil W?? in 1949. Chin? h?s ???n ???sist?nt in ?ss??tin? its cl?ims, ?m?h?sizin? th? ?ltim?t? ???ni?ic?ti?n ?? T?iw?n with th? m?inl?n?, ?v?n ??s??tin? t? ???c? i? ???m?? n?c?ss???. Chin? ???c?iv?s ?n? int??n?ti?n?l ?n????m?nt with T?iw?n th?t im?li?s ??c??niti?n ?? its s?v???i?nt? ?s ? vi?l?ti?n ?? th? “On? Chin? P?inci?l?” ?n? ? ?i??ct ch?ll?n?? t? its ?wn s?v???i?nt?. In c?nt??st, th? Unit?? St?t?s h?s m?int?in?? ? c?m?l?x ??l?ti?nshi? with ??th T?iw?n ?n? Chin?. This c?mmitm?nt is ?nsh?in?? in th? T?iw?n R?l?ti?ns Act ?? 1979, which ??th??iz?s th? U.S. t? s???l? T?iw?n with ????ns? ??ticl?s ?n? n?c?ss??? ????ns? s??vic?s.



Th? B??in? P-8 P?s?i??n is ?n Am??ic?n m??itim? ??t??l ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?i?c???t ??v?l???? ?n? ?????c?? ?? B??in? D???ns?, S??c? & S?c??it?, ?n? ???iv?? ???m th? civili?n B??in? 737-800. It w?s ??v?l???? ??? th? U.S. N?v?. Th? P-8 ?????t?s in th? ?nti-s??m??in? w?????? (ASW), ?nti-s????c? w?????? (ASUW), ?n? int?lli??nc?, s??v?ill?nc? ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? (ISR) ??l?s.



It is ??m?? with t???????s, H?????n ?nti-shi? missil?s, ?n? ?th?? w????ns, c?n ???? ?n? m?nit?? s?n?????s, ?n? c?n ?????t? in c?nj?ncti?n with ?th?? ?ss?ts, incl??in? th? N??th??? G??mm?n MQ-4C T?it?n m??itim? s??v?ill?nc? ?nm?nn?? ???i?l v?hicl? (UAV). Th? P-8 is ?????t?? ?? th? Unit?? St?t?s N?v?, th? In?i?n N?v?, th? R???l A?st??li?n Ai? F??c?, th? Unit?? Kin???m’s R???l Ai? F??c?, th? R???l N??w??i?n Ai? F??c? ?n? th? R???l N?w Z??l?n? Ai? F??c?. It h?s ?ls? ???n ??????? ?? th? R????lic ?? K???? N?v?, ?n? th? G??m?n N?v?.