The A-1 Skyraider: The Ultimate Propeller-Driven аttасk Aircraft?

The Douglas AD/A-1 Skyraider, nicknamed the ‘Spad’, lacked sleek appearance with its barrel-shaped fuselage and rigid lines, unlike the elegant Vought F4U Corsair. Nonetheless, it remained a dependable workhorse for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps for many years due to its exceptional combat capabilities. Recognized for its ability to carry large loads of ammunition over long distances and deliver them accurately to specific targets, it earned additional nicknames such as “Able Dog” and “Flying Dump Truck”.



The designers at Douglas began developing the AD-1 (the series was later redesignated as ‘A’) in the heat of World War II and it saw its first combat on March 18, 1945. However, it was not delivered to the military until the following year, so the Skyraider did not see any action in World War II.


The A-1H Skyraider of VA-25 with a bomb load onboard the USS Midway (CVA-41) in October 1965. The Skyraider’s active combat service began in Korea in July 1950. There, it was used against a variety of ground targets, including bridges and power plants. On May 1, 1951, eight Skyraiders attacked the Hwachon Dam with 13 torpedoes. During that war, the Skyraider also scored an aerial kill by taking down a Soviet-made Po-2 biplane. However, there were also losses. In total, 128 Skyraiders were lost in Korea, including 101 in combat.



Before being retired from service, the Skyraider saw extensive combat use in another war. Skyraiders were among the first to attack North Vietnam after the Gulf of Tonkin incident in August 1964. In Vietnam, they were flown by both U.S. Navy pilots and South Vietnamese Air Force pilots.

A Douglas A-1E Skyraider from the 1st Special Operations Squadron, 56th Special Operations Wing in 1968. The aircraft carries a BLU-72/B bomb under the right wing.



The extensive use of the Skyraider for attack missions in Vietnam continued until 1968, when that role was handed over to modern jet aircraft like the LTV A-7 Corsair II and the Grumman A-6 Intruder. The Skyraider also conducted search and rescue missions alongside USAF helicopters and was employed in electronic countermeasures roles. The Vietnam War exacted an even higher toll on the type than in Korea, with 266 aircraft and 144 pilots lost, most due to ground fire.