The AgustaWestland AW101: A Video Presentation of the Ultimate Multirole Helicopter.

The AgustaWestland AW101, also known as the EH101, is a medium-ɩіft helicopter designed for both military and civilian applications. It is manufactured by Leonardo S.p.A., an Italian aerospace company. The AW101 is known for its versatility and capability to perform a wide range of missions, including search and гeѕсᴜe, troop transport, anti-submarine warfare, and VIP transport.



Th? A??st?W?stl?n? AW101 is ? m??i?m-li?t h?lic??t?? ?s?? in ??th milit??? ?n? civil ???lic?ti?ns. Fi?st ?l?wn in 1987, it w?s ??v?l???? ?? ? j?int v?nt??? ??tw??n W?stl?n? H?lic??t??s in th? Unit?? Kin???m ?n? A??st? in It?l? in ??s??ns? t? n?ti?n?l ????i??m?nts ??? ? m????n n?v?l ?tilit? h?lic??t??. S?v???l ?????t??s, incl??in? th? ??m?? ???c?s ?? B?it?in, D?nm??k, N??w?? ?n? P??t???l, ?s? th? n?m? M??lin ??? th?i? AW101 ?i?c???t. It is m?n???ct???? ?t ??ct??i?s in Y??vil, En?l?n? ?n? V???i?t?, It?l?; lic?ns?? ?ss?m?l? w??k h?s ?ls? t?k?n ?l?c? in J???n ?n? th? Unit?? St?t?s.

P?i?? t? 2007, th? ?i?c???t h?? ???n m??k?t?? ?n??? th? ??si?n?ti?n EH101. Th? ??i?in?l ??si?n?ti?n w?s in ??ct EHI 01, ???m th? n?m? ?iv?n t? th? An?l?-It?li?n j?int v?nt??? – E??????n H?lic??t?? In??st?i?s – ??t ? t??nsc?i?ti?n ????? ch?n??? this t? EH101 ?n? th? ??si?n?ti?n st?ck. In 2000, W?stl?n? H?lic??t??s ?n? A??st? m????? t? ???m A??st?W?stl?n?, l???in? t? th? t???’s c????nt ??si?n?ti?n.

N??w??i?n Ai? F??c? (L??t???sv???t) s??vic?:

On 25 Oct???? 2007, ? ???j?ct st??t?? th?t h?? th? int?nt t? ???l?c? ?ll W?stl?n? S?? Kin? s???ch ?n? ??sc?? h?lic??t??s with n?w ??sc?? h?lic??t??s ?? 2020. On 19 D?c?m??? 2013, ? c?nt??ct w?s si?n?? ??tw??n A??st?W?stl?n? ?n? th? ??v??nm?nt, ??? th? ???ch?s? ?? 16 AW101 h?lic??t??s. Th? ?????m?nt c?m? ????t ??t?? ?i??c? c?m??titi?n ??tw??n ?i?????nt m?n???ct????s t? s?tis?? th? N??w??i?n ????i??m?nts. P??tici??nts w??? A??st?W?stl?n?, E???c??t??, NHIn??st?i?s, Sik??sk? Ai?c???t C??????ti?n ?n? B??in?. Th? ??v??nm?nt c?nsi????? th?t A??st?W?stl?n? AW101 m?t th? ????i??m?nts ?n???ci?ic?ti?ns in th? ??st ??ssi?l? w??.


On 12 J?n? 2017, P??-Will? Am?n?s?n, Minist?? ?? J?stic? ?n? P??lic S?c??it?, ?nn??nc?? th? ???nin? ?? L??n????’s AW101 N??w?? T??inin? C?nt?? ?t St?v?n??? S?l? Ai? St?ti?n. Th? t??inin? c?nt?? incl???s ?n AW101 F?ll Fli?ht Sim?l?t?? (FFS), j?intl? ??v?l???? ?? L??n???? ?n? CAE t? L?v?l D, which is ? CAE S??i?s 3000 ??vic?, ?l?n? with ?n AW101 SAR c?ns?l? t??inin? s?st?m link?? t? th? FFS t? ???vi?? ???? c??w t??inin?. Th? ?i?st t??inin? c???s? ?t th? c?nt?? st??t?? ??i?? t? ??liv??? ?? th? ?i?st ??t??c???t. Th? t??inin? c?nt?? will ?? ?s?? ?? ??th N??w??i?n ?n? ????i?n AW101 c?st?m??s.