The Boeing P-8 Poseidon was designed with the objective of neutralizing underwater targets.



P?s?i??n w?s th? ???th?? ?? ??th H???s, th? ??? ?? th? ?n???w??l?, ?n? Z??s, th? sk? ??? ?n? ??inci??l ??it? ?? cl?ssic?l G???c?. Th? kin???m ?? th? s?? w?s ?iv?n t? P?s?i??n wh?n th? th??? ???th??s ?v??th??w th?i? ??th??. H? th??????? ??l?? ??th th? w?t?? ?n? th? sk?, m?kin? it ???????i?t? th?t th? B??in? P-8 ?i??l?n? ????s his n?m?.

Th? F?n??m?nt?ls ?? P-8 P?s?i??n



Th? m?lti-missi?n m??itim? ??t??l ?i?c???t w?s c???t?? ??? ??ncti?ns s?ch ?s int?lli??nc?, s??v?ill?nc?, ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? (ISR), s???ch ?n? ??sc?? ?????ti?ns, ?nti-s??m??in? ?n? ?nti-s????c? w?????? (ASW), ?nti-s????c? w?????? (AS?W), ?n? shi??in? int???icti?n. It is ? m??i?i?? v??si?n ?? th? wi??-???? 737-900ERX, which is ?s?? ?? c?mm??ci?l ?i?lin?s ?ll ?v?? th? w??l?.

In J?n? 2004, ? c?nt??ct ??? th? P?s?i??n’s c?nst??cti?n w?s ?iv?n, ?n? th? ?i?st ?li?ht t??k ?l?c? ?n A??il 25, 2009. F??? ????s l?t??, th? US N?v? ??cl???? it h?? ???ch?? its ??sic ?????ti?n?l c????ilit?. Sinc? th?n, th? R???l Ai? F??c? ?n? ?th?? ?lli?s ?n? ????i?n ???tn??s, n?t??l? th? US N?v?, h?v? ????t?? th? ?i?c???t.



Th? P-8 is c????l? ?? l?w-?ltit??? ?????ti?ns ?n? h?s ?l?wn m??? th?n 400,000 h???s with??t ?n ?cci??nt. With ? ??l?tiv?l? sm?ll c??w c?nsistin? ?? ? ?il?t, c?-?il?t, tw? n?v? ?li?ht ???ic??s, ?n? th??? ?nlist?? Avi?ti?n W?????? O????t??s/n?v?l ?i?c??wm?n, it is c????l? ?? ?l?in? ?v?? ????? ?c??ns ?s w?ll ?s in c??st?l ???i?ns. Al?n? th? ???t si?? ?? th? c??in, th? ?iv? ?????t?? st?ti?ns ??? ??siti?n?? in ? si??w??s ??w. N?n? h?v? wіп??ws, ?lth???h th? ???w??? c??in h?s ? sin?l? ??s??v?? wіп??w ?n ??ch si??.



S?nth?tic ????t??? ?????, ?n ?l?ct?? ?n? ??tic?l in?????? s?ns?? t????t, ?n? ?nh?nc?? ?c??stic c????ilit? ?ll?w th? ?i?c???t t? c?n??ct c?nc????nt ??ssiv? ?n? ?ctiv? ???c?ssin?. Th? ?i?c???t is ??t?itt?? with c?ttin?-???? t?chn?l??? c???t?? ?s??ci?ll? ??? th? P?s?i??n.

Th? Unit?? St?t?s N?v?, th? R???l A?st??li?n Ai? F??c?, ?n? th? R???l Ai? F??c? ?? th? Unit?? Kin???m c????ntl? ?????t? m??? th?n 140 P-8s in tw? v??i?nts, incl??in? th? P-8A. R?c?ntl?, th? R???l N??w??i?n Ai? F??c?, th? R???l N?w Z??l?n? Ai? F??c?, th? R????lic ?? K???? N?v?, ?n? th? G??m?n N?v? ?ls? ????t?? th? ?l?t???m. Th? ???????? P-8I is ?s?? ?? th? In?i?n N?v? ?n? h?s tw? im???t?nt ???????s ?v?? th? P-8A: ?n ??t T?l??h?nics APS-143 Oc??nE?? ????? ?n? ? m??n?tic ?n?m?l? ??t?ct?? (mаd).



P-8 U??????s S??n t? A??iv??



Th? P-8A P?s?i??n’s t?? ?nti-shi? missil? will ?? int????t?? ?nt? it, ?cc???in? t? ? c?nt??ct th? U.S. N?v? ?w????? t? B??in? in N?v?m??? 2021. Th? P-8A will ?? th? thi?? ?i?c???t t? ?? ???i???? with th? L?n? R?n?? Anti-Shi? Missil?, which L?ckh??? M??tin c???t?? ?n? ?????c?? in ??s??ns? t? ? ???ssin? ?????ti?n?l ????i??m?nt ???m th? US P?ci?ic Fl??t. Th? F/A-18 S???? H??n?t ?? th? N?v? ?n? th? B-1 ??m??? ?? th? Ai? F??c? w??? th? l?st tw? ?i?c???t t? ??c?iv? th? ???????.

(M??ch 16, 2014) On ? P-8A P?s?i??n ??l?n?in? t? P?t??l S??????n (VP) 16, c??w m?m???s m?int?in th?i? w??kst?ti?ns whil? h?l?in? with th? s???ch ?n? ??sc?? ?????ts ??? M?l??si? Ai?lin?s ?li?ht MH370. Th? U.S. 7th Fl??t’s ???? ?? ??s??nsi?ilit? incl???s VP-16, which is st?ti?n?? th??? t? s?????t In??-Asi?-P?ci?ic s?c??it? ?n? st??ilit?. (M?ss C?mm?nic?ti?n S??ci?list 2n? Cl?ss E?ic A. P?st??/R?l??s??; U.S. N?v? ?h?t?.

This is c?m?????l? t? P?s?i??n, th? G???k G??, ??inin? ? l????? t?i??nt.



P?s?i??n P-8 K?? S??cs:Tw? 56-7B ?n?in?s with ? c?m?in?? th??st ?? 27,300 l?s.129.5 ???t l?n? (39.47 m?t??s)Dim?nsi?ns: 42.1 ???t (12.83 m?t??s)123.6-???t wіп?s??n (37.64 m?t??s)G??ss t?k???? w?i?ht limit: 189,200 ???n?s (85,820 kil????ms)Fl?in? ?t 490 kn?ts (564 m?h) ?ct??l ?i?s????41,000-???t c?ilin? (12,496 m?t??s)1,200 n??tic?l mil?s, ???? h???s ?n st?ti?n; ??n??6 t? 9 ????l? ?n ?????W????n??: c??is? missil?s ?n? t???????s