NASA said a large asteroid will make a relatively close approach to Earth on Friday, offering one of its best opportunities in years to collect data on a passing space rock. At approximately 10:33 a.m., the 100-foot-wide asteroid, Asteroid 2022 UN5, will zoom past the planet at a speed of 8.2 kilometres per second. Friday.

This asteroid will pass Earth at a distance of 3,510,000 miles, according to data from NASA’s JPL. As a result, NASA classified it as a potentially hazardous asteroid. The size and distance of an asteroid from Earth are two criteria used to determine whether or not it is potentially hazardous.
A 150-foot asteroid is hurtling towards Earth, according to NASA; Know if it is frightening or dangerous | Technology News.
Approximately 30,000 asteroids of all sizes, including more than 850 larger than one kilometre in diameter, have been catalogued in the neighbourhood of the Earth, earning them the name “Near Earth Objects” (NEOs). None of them threatens the Earth for the next 100 years.
DANGER! 100-foot Asteroid 2022 QQ4 hurtling towards Earth; NASA announces date and time | Technology News
In preparation for the future discovery of a more dangerous object, NASA conducted a test mission in late September in which a spacecraft collided with an asteroid to demonstrate that its trajectory could be altered.

From where did asteroids originate?

NASA asserts that asteroids are remnants of the formation of our solar system. Approximately 4.6 billion years ago, a large cloud of gas and dust collapsed to form our solar system. This caused the majority of the material to fall to the centre of the cloud, forming the sun.
On April 1st, an asteroid the size of two football fields will make its closest approach to Earth this century.
Comment: Some of the planets formed from the cloud’s condensing dust. The objects in the asteroid belt never had the opportunity to form planets. They are remnants from when the planets formed aeons ago.