The Replacement for the Aging C-2 Greyhound is on the Horizon.

On? ?? th? ?l??st ?i?c???t ?m?l???? ?? th? Unit?? St?t?s N?v? ?n its ?i?c???t c???i??s will s??n ?? ?i??in? ?s ????w?ll. Th? t???????????, ??ck?? C-2A G???h??n?, ?????c?? ?? N??th??? G??mm?n in th? 1960s, will ?? ???l?c?? ?? th? CMV-22B, which will ?nt?? s??vic? in 2024.In t????’s vi???, w? ??? ??in? t? c?v?? th? t?chnic?l ???t???s ?n? ??v?nt???s th? CMV-22B h?s ?v?? its ?????c?ss??.

Th? C-2A G???h??n? t????????, m?n???ct???? ?? N??th??? G??mm?n in th? 1960s, will l??v? th? sc?n? ?? 2024 ??? th? CMV-22B t? ?nt?? s??vic?. “Th? CMV-22B ??in?s ?x??n??? c????iliti?s n?t ?nl? t? th? c???i?? ?n????? ??liv??? missi?n, ??t t? th? hi?h-?n? ?i?ht,” s?i? U.S. N?v? C??t?in D?w?n Ch?n??, C?mm?????, Fl??t L??istics M?lti-Missi?n wіп?. “W? ??? ?nxi??s t? ??t it t? th? ?l??t ?n? sh?w ??? its imm?ns? c????iliti?s ?n? ??il? ?l?xi?ilit?.”