Unveiling the Unthinkable: A Submersible Aircraft Carrier Surfaces Beneath the Waves (Video)

The Unthinkable is Unveiled: A Submarine Aircraft Carrier That Can Submerge Underwater



Even though this is just a render, submarine aircraft carriers did exist. These submarines saw their most extensive use during World wаг II, although their operational significance remained rather small.

The most famous of them were the Japanese I-400 class submarine and the French submarine Surcouf, although small numbers of similar craft were built for other nations as well.

Most operational submarine aircraft carriers, with the exception of the I-400 and AM classes, used their aircraft for reconnaissance and observation. This is in contrast to the typical surface aircraft carrier, whose main function is serving as a base for offeпѕіⱱe aircraft.

The Japanese I-400-class were the largest submarines of World wаг II and remained the largest ever built until the construction of пᴜсɩeаг ballistic mіѕѕіɩe submarines in the 1960s.
